☁️🐍Jamil Viper🐍☁️

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💛From the Scarabia dorm...💛
🐍Jamil Viper🐍
💛Jelly much?💛

Yup, you guessed it. You and Jamil are dating.

I mean, who wouldn't want to date this adorable snek boi??

Anyway, back to the topic. You were chatting with Kalim outside the Scarabia dorm, since you have a project to make, but decided to talk a bit before actually doing something.

This somewhat annoyed Jamil, who had walked by a couple of times, to help the first years with their books.

You both had greeted him, which he only turned his head as a response.

"What's up with him? Did we say something wrong??" Kalim questioned, and you shrugged.

"I'm not sure... Well, anyway, you were talking about your life back home! Can you continue?"

Kalim nodded, and you continued talking.

Jamil tried to stay calm, and decided to distract himself with cooking. He was cooking your favorite food, he knew you loved it better than anything else in your life.

He began to prepare all the ingredients, and started cooking.

The next day, you were talking to Jack, a good friend of yours, and a classmate in P.E. You were complaining about how Mr. Vargas gave you so much laps to do that you almost passed out.

Jack just nodded, not really agreeing with you, since he was used to running a lot of laps. But he understood your pain, and went along with it.

"Oh my god... We have P.E right now... How unlucky can i be?!" You whined.

Jack chuckled and pat your head.

"Can't do anything with that, can we? Now shall we go?" Jack said, and dragged you to the fields where most of the students gathered and stretched.

Jamil was there as well. You walked over to him and chatted for a bit, before, speak of the devil, Mr. Vargas made you run laps.

Boy did you want to scream to gods about how unfair they were that day.

But you chose to go anyway, and started running.

After three laps you kept going, but panting heavily. It was as if someone was squeezing your throat tightly, and wouldn't let go until you rested for a bit.

But you couldn't allow that, you'd get a worse grade.

At the end of class, you dropped to the ground, completely out of breath.

Jamil and Jack came over, not really worried, you were like this at the end of every P.E class.

Jamil crouched down, and poked your head with his finger.

"You doing alright?"

"I've never felt better, thanks!" You sarcastically joked, but didn't try to look up.

"It's okay, I made your favorite food as a reward."

Just as he said that, you jumped at him and hugged him.

He effortlessly picked you up, and carried you back to the Scarabia dorm.

He then cleaned your face of the dirt, and made you take a shower, otherwise you wouldn't get food.

You groaned, but listened.

When you were done, you saw that Jamil had left his hoodie on the sink, and you assumed it was for you, and so you dressed up.

You walked towards the kitchen, were you could feel the smell of the great food prepared just for you.

You sat down, and dug in. It was delicious.

Kalim was walking through the hallway, trying to find you. He wanted to talk about an upcoming party, but he didn't find you in your dorm, so he searched his own dorm, in case you've come to visit Jamil.

"Ah, Jamil! Do you know where Y/n is?? I couldn't find them at their dorm." Kalim waved towards his friend.

"They are just fine, and wish not to be disturbed. Sorry." With that, Jamil closed the door to the kitchen and sat next to you, huffing in the process.

"Who was that?" You asked, mouthful.

Jamil chuckled slightly at your childishness, but stopped very quickly.

"Kalim was trying to find you, but I told him you didn't want to be disturbed."

You stayed quiet, trying to process that.

"...Jamil are you jealous by any chance?" You asked, shoving another piece of food into you.

Jamil widened his eyes, startled, and almost choked on his own saliva.

"What?!" He blushed, trying to process what you just said.

"C'mon, it's obvious... But i love you anyway!" You stood up and went to hug Jamil.

He hugged back soon after, and nuzzled into you to hide his blush.

A/n; you guys.... I'M SORRY I WAS GONE FOR SO LONG ANNANDNGNSKNWBBF I'll try to make it up to you okay??? Sorry again :(((

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