☁️🦐🍄The Tweels🍄🦐☁️

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🖤From the Octavinelle dorm...🖤
🦐🍄The Tweels🍄🦐
🖤 Aquarium🖤

You work at an aquarium. It's a nice job, very calming. Unless you have to clean up after kids dropping their juice boxes on the ground, as stupid as they can be.

It's been a lot more busy lately, there's a whole new terrarium. But for some reason, you didn't have much time to care about that. You have to work behind the register after all.

One night when you were working overtime cleaning, something moved in the corner of your eye. You turned your head, but the terrarium was calm.

You didn't say anything and continued your job.

But there it was again. Something's not right.

You came closer to the glass that parted you and the water.

You tried to look deep into the terrarium, to see something moving. There was nothing, only a few jellyfish, angelfish, and other.

But as you wanted to turn around and finish your job, a head popped up. A human head.

You screamed, and fell backwards. You quickly got back up, and inspected the person. The man had turquoise hair, with a black strand on the right side of his hair. He was grinning from ear to ear, showing his pointy teeth.

You rubbed your eyes, trying to figure out if this is true or not.

You opened your eyes, and he was gone.

Just like that.

"Aw, I think I've scared our Shrimpy! I hope they come back, they're so cute!" Floyd squealed, hugging himself.

Jade chuckled, but agreed, "Yes indeed, Floyd. I believe they will return, hopefully."

Floyd hummed in response, and dozed off.

That night, you couldn't sleep properly.

It was as if you were paralyzed, watched.

You had a new assignment in your job. It was just to simply feed the new terrarium.

You walked towards the pond that connected the terrarium and your workplace, and got to work.

Something's not right. You could feel the same feeling of being watched like yesterday.

You looked up from the adorable dolphin you were feeding, and looked around for any other movement, other than the friendly dolphin.

There he was again! The man from before! You tried to stay calm, but failed.

What could possibly be in that terrarium?

Something that attracted a lot of customers. Your boss's a gold digger. She doesn't care about all the animals and creatures at all as long as she gets the money.

Only then you noticed, he was no man, he was a merman with an eel-like tail.

The merman swam a little further, and jumped. He landed on the pond, with his arms crossed and his lower body in the water. He was grinning again.

"Hello Shrimpy!~" he smiled.

You stayed quiet, too shocked to say anything.

"Hah? Don't tell me you're scared too..." The man turned sad.

"Huh?! I'm sorry, i didn't mean to! I just never saw a merman like you before... But my name's Y/n, nice to meet you!"

"Yes, we know." Another male voice approached.

He was practically identical with his twin, but the black strand was on the left side of his head.

"My name is Jade. This is my twin brother, Floyd. It's very pleasant to finally meet you, dear Y/n." Jade introduced himself in a very gentleman manner.

"Nice to meetcha Shrimpy!~" Floyd chuckled.

You three talked for hours, until it was time for you to go home.

"Oh no... I have to go home guys..." You said, looking on your wrist watch.

Jade and Floyd looked at each other, and unknowingly to you, they knew this was gonna come.

They both had pretty necklaces, with some kind of red liquid in them.

You looked back at them, only to see them taking off their necklaces and opening the small bottle attached to them.

They drank the potion, and after some time, there they were. Two tall males hovered over you. They had some kind of pretty uniforms on.

You looked in awe as Jade and Floyd laughed at your expression.

"What are you so surprised about, darling?" Jade asked, and picked you up, bridal style.

"I- how- wha- when- the- I-"

They both laughed again as they walked towards the register, where your boss waited, ticked off.

"Y/n! Get your butt here right now!"

You whipped your head around so fast Jade thought it was gonna fall off.

You jumped out of Jade's grip, much to his disappointment.


"Jeez, what were you doing the whole time? I almost though you fell in the terrarium, are you okay?" Your boss asked.

Your boss isn't a bad person, only the fact that she's a gold digger. But overall, she's a nice person. I mean, you were classmates and friends.

"I'm sorry, I had to take care of-"

"They were with us, no need to panic, let's go Y/n." Jade demanded, and dragged you away, with Floyd following behind.

"Hey, isn't it my turn to carry Shrimpy~?"

"Hm, if you want to." Jade said and passed you to Floyd.

Floyd sqeazed you tightly and carried you.

You told them the directions to your house, and soon, you were home.

"What should I do with you two?" You asked, the two males looking back at you.

"Let's live together!~ Hey, please?" Floyd asked.

"I mean, you guys just carried me home and refused to leave. What the actual heck is going on?"

"It's a bit late for you to say that, darling." Jade smiled.


"Indeedy~! We picked you to be our roommate, after all...

and we won't let you go that easily..." Jade and Floyd happily said, though their eyes said otherwise. You blinked a few times and smiled.

You pat their heads, caressing their turquoise hair. They blushed, and let you continue petting them.

"So, what do you guys want to eat?"

"Anything with mushrooms please."


"Okay, okay, coming right up!"

That's how your new life started. And it was the best you could ever ask for.

...or was it?

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