taking a fox boy as a student.

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Playing with a palm sized crimson pearl, Alexander was wondering just what was the best approach to begin his little entertainment plan.

And after a long 2 hour's of brainstorming...he just shrugged his shoulders and tossed it into that fantasy-style world the little crusader was made the messiah of.

The crimson king was meant to be his test, he wouldn't dare interfere so drastically by completely removing the SCP eldritch deity from that side of the multiverse.

So he just tossed it into that fantasy world, and waited.

The crimson king will grow in power, and in order to defeat him, (y/n) will also grow more powerful. And what other motivation is needed for a goodguy, other then unleashing a complete personification of destruction that wants to turn everything into Nothing on a small world he is meant to look after?

It's honestly a win-win situation. Lord Satan, and his brother God get to watch a show while making their champion stronger. And he himself will gain a worthy rival that he desires Soo much.

As I said it's a win-win.

Alex: I hope you will bother to investigate some of the cultivation Scriptures before going to the PJO world. It will make you grow faster.

He said, as he spied on crusader (y/n) with Dark-Divine magic.

Cinder was already a powerhouse. She already reached the peak level of a proper universe god, like Zeus.

All because he gave her a cultivation technique, and constantly supplied her with elixirs, and cultivation pills that would make people commit countless horror's if they knew how much powerful they were.

Sure, she got powerful so quickly only because she had him.

But that level of power can be achieved even without his help, it would just take longer...way longer.

The best part? It was not even near the limit of cultivation.


Anyway, enough with the boring explanation about how limitless cultivation can be!

Instead let's focus on boring explanation about how his 7 rings of heaven and hell are coming along!

"How did he gained another dimension with 7 rings??" I hear you ask?

The answer to that is simple!

He went into a random dimensions similar enough to what he was searching, make everyone there his bitch, declare himself king, and badabing, badabung, he is a proud owner of another dimension.

This time he didn't make the same mistake as earlier, and let those willing to bow to him to live. Now he has slave- *cough* workers.

What's next...ah! Gabriel!

Gabriel refused to do anything, sleep, eat, move and even talk. so a brainwash was in order.

Yeah, yeah, "he doesn't want to force her into a relationship", but here is the catch.

He is not forcing her. He just made her forget the it was him that singlehandedly killed 90% of her family, and forced the remaining into slavery for devil's.

Now she believes, she managed to "escape" the massacre, and "accidentally" stumbled on Alex who gave her refuge in his dimension.

Nothing more, nothing less.

He didn't manipulate her emotions toward him, she still can choose if she can wants to love him, or not.

See, he ain't a bad guy.

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