Raven! prepare to fall for me!

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love...have you ever wonders what love is? how it works? Alex did, and while he doesnt know the answer to the first question he knows the answer to the second.

...love is like a fart, if you need to force it then its probably shit.

that's why he didnt force his way into Raven love, he gave compliments, talked, and flirted, but never did he tried to make her forcefully fell for him. There were no effects, but hey what did you expect? he flirted with her only for a 3 hours.

after all she needed to still go back to beacon.

Summer on the other hand was different, while he would not call that "love" its definitely something that can possibly lead to it. "friendship"! no, actually its even better then that! they were "BFF"! With the ability to take out unlimited amount of cookies from his GoB, Summer immediately made Alex her best friend forever.

(A/N: okay, i will explain GoB to those who not know. Even the original version from the anime had multiple cake's, drinks, food, sweet's, and many other things that were not weapons. Gilgamesh literally stored EVERYTHING in there.)

who the fuck said that being "friendzoned" means that you should give up?! i tell you who it was! A FUCKING LOOSER!

nonononononono! only losers will stay in the friendzone! while true man will use the friendzone to go into the boyfriendzone! (or at least into the sexfriendzone).

repeat after me fellow friendzone brothers! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this! i can do this!


Qrow: is she gone?

oh, look at that Qrow is back! his face could be seen glancing from behind the bar. damn he must have been really scared.

Alex: yup.


Alex: what are going on about?

said Alex trying to play innocent

Qrow: What? WHAT!? you almost killed me! and now i cant ever show my face in front of Raven ever again or i will be fucking executed in front of beacon!

...Alex let out a sigh...he just violated one of the most important and rules of all! one of the first rules to be ever created, since the beginning of man kind...it was unacceptable! how could he forget!? how could he let his Lust consume him like that!

how could he violate the sacred rule of "bro' s before Hoe's"!?

Alex: *sniff* i sank to a new low...*sniff* Qrow please forgive me!

Qrow: im sorry...i have to do this.

Alex: i see...i cant say that i dont deserve this.

it was truly horrifying how a woman can endanger such a wonderful friendship between men...


after the words were spoked, all that Alex could do is let out a quiet sniff and swore to himself that he will repair his Bro relationship with Qrow...HE WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES!

Alex: what if buy you a hooker.



yelled Qrow as he finger gunned Alex who made his own finger gun's and fired them back.

---timeskip brought you by Chibi Alex baking cookies for Chibi Summer and his future daughter's--- (they will be the incarnation of sunshine and happiness)

Raven: I want a Katana.

said the future bandit queen as she stood in front of Alex who was chilling in the empty Strip club...what? they were not opened yet.

Alex: ...okay?

he said as he looked confused at her around the room, just to make sure that she was talking to him.

Alex: shouldnt you go to a blacksmith for that?



Alex: im pretty sure its you who broke it, all i did was standing doing nothing.

Raven didnt say anything and just glared at Alex with the power of 1,000 sun's. Apparently in her mentality he was the one responsible for breaking her katana...Or she simply doesnt have money for another one and decides to guilt trip him and make him pay for it...not that it would have worked, but he could use this to his advantage.

Alex: okay. i will give you a choice.

he said as he smiled softly, being sure of his victory.

Alex: i will give you money, so you can buy another cheap sword like the last one...

her eyes noticeably twitched at that....a katana made from [dust iron] cheep? she literally sold 90% of her belongings and then worked for the first and second years of beacon to afford that!

Alex: OR! i will give you an opportunity to make a katana made from Metals, literally not from this world, that are WAY stronger in comparison to whatever remnant can offer.

not gonna lie, she liked that option...a katana stronger than one made from [dust iron]? sounds like a dream come true! but, she was not stupid...she knew that Alex will want something back.

Raven: whats the catch?

Alex: glad you asked! you see....i want a chance

she frowned, confused by what Alex meant.

Raven: chance?

Alex: uh-huh. All i ask for is for YOU to give ME a chance, to make you fall for me.


Raven: a date?

Alex: nope!

sorry but there is just no way in hell, Alex will gamble this opportunity on a single date.

Alex: a "chance" is not just one night where you will ignore me for a couple of hours and then forget me as soon, as the date will end. You will take this seriously, and i mean SERIOUSLY. you we will go on dates, we will talk and hang out with each other and you are forbidden to ignore me, after some time when we both will get to know each other, you will either reject me or make me your boyfriend

the silence after that was so high that you could hear a cat walking. She wasnt sure about this, if it would have been one date, she would just do as he said and ignore him trough the entire date and then proceed to forget about his existence.

but this? this man is actually asking her to waste HER time on him! ughh...the offer of a super durable katana seems good but its not worth thi-

Alex: also, i will personally enchant the blade with Magic, making it even more deadly than it normally would. I assume Ozpin already revealed you his backstory and his war with the queen of Grimm? i can sense magic in you, just a drop of it that would allow you to change into something small...like a bird (just give me a oscar already, im an amazing actor!) and the only way you would get it is trough either Ozpin or Salem

okay....a magical enchanted katana is almost worth the deal....just almost...but its still not worth her tim-

Alex: and as a added bonus i can give you a little bit more magic and teach you how to use it.


Raven: just how desperate are you?

Alex: for you? well...i would do anything.

it was true. Raven was one of the chosen 5, and before you ask...the chosen 5 are girls that Alex, will NEVER force into love, or into relationship, no matter how their Aura look

he just cant explain the feeling...just thinking about making Raven join his harem, trough promises of power, or trough other means felt not right to him...he wanted Raven to truly love him for what he is...and if she dont...well i guess there are still the remaining 4 right?

also yes summer is one of the chosen 5.

Alex: and do remember, that after we get to know each other, you will have all the rights to refuse being my girlfriend and you will still get katana, and magic.

she thought about it...it was not a bad deal, she gets the right to refuse, and move on with her life if she does not like him...and if she does end up liking him, no matter how low those chances may be, she will get a strong boyfriend...and maybe husband??

no matter how you look at it, it was a win-win situation no matter how it will end up.

Raven: fine...

she said while letting out a sigh.

Alex: well, its decided then! Raven prepare to fall for me!

yeah, sure. she would like to see him try.

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