What he does when you get a new piercing

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Sam: He smiles while saying ‘I can’t go in, but I will always be with you.’ Making you close your eyes and picture him holding your hand as you go in. When you walk out he pulls you close, placing a kiss on your cheek before saying ‘You look beautiful, as always’ before wrapping an arm around you and walking out together.

Andy: Sits there fretting more nervous than you. You smile before kissing him and saying ‘See you on the other side right’ he then nods replying ‘Right’ before kissing your hand and quickly sings you the chorus of your favourite song. When you come out, you see him looking at couple tattoos and says, ‘I think we go for this next,’ before kissing you and leaving together.

Felix: Walks into the shop together walking up to the counter saying you want a piercing, when Felix says ‘I want to have one with her, the same if that’s possible. So you both go in together and squeeze the hell out of each other’s hands as you get matching lip piercings. Once finished, you walk out together and Felix says ‘well that freaking hurt,’ and laughs as you walk out of the shop.

Jake: as you are about to go in, he pulls you close saying, ‘You already look beautiful, you don’t need more piercings but I love you too much to stop you’. When you finish and go back out, Jake smiles at you, ‘Okay maybe I was lying, that piercing definitely suits you’ and kisses you making you smile as you leave.

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