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Okey guys, so I'm on school holidays until February, so that means books, manga and anime!!! (And work...) for two months. So, I am going to work hard on these books. Hopefully I will stick to my uploading routine for My Angel, and that may well be finished by the end of the summer. I will also try to wrap The Truth Hurts by New Years and I was thinking of getting one of my older stories from my other account and since I'm planning on editing the chapters for it, I might post them here on this account.

So, to show me that you are still all here and following my actions, how about we get this to 5 comments. My old account it FallenDeeply1999 and I will bring 'Nowhere Boys and Their Nowhere Girl' over to this account, edited and hopefully with less plotholes. Anyways, prove to me that you guys are still there and there will be more to come over the next two months. Have a good christmas guys, I might start uploading NBATNG on this account tonight/today since I don't have work. 

It's 2:50am on the 08/12/2016 where I am, just clear up any confusion if you're reading this message not too long after it's been posted. 

So, 5 comments and I will bring my other book across unless I get really happy about it and bring it across when I wake up. Have a good one guys, and keep on burning my little fires!

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