Imagine for Younggxd

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Gabby's P.O.V

It shouldn't be too long now. I laughed lightly, my body tired. Damn, why do I feel so tired? Oh yeah, I took some pills... it was getting hard to keep my eyes open. How long have I been laying here? Was there anyone home? No, I don't think so. I was alone. Just as I have always felt... hey, I wonder if Felix got my message. Hmm, I liked him a lot. He was cute.

Felix's P.O.V

I screamed in frustration as Gabby didn't answer her phone for the fifth time. Why wasn't she answering my calls, she literally just sent me a text! Did she turn her phone off? I growled and threw my phone against the wall, watching as it smashed apart. It would still work once I put it back together, it was a good phone like that.

My body began moving as I made my way out of my house and down the street. I needed to remember where Gabby's house was. It wasn't far, but she had only let me go there two or three times and it was from school, so I can barely remember where it was. Fucking hell I hate Bremin sometimes.

'Hey Felix,

I um... oh god, I don't know how to say this, but... I'm saying good bye. Look, I umm, I haven't been too well lately, but... you were there for me. You were by my side when I was sad, and so I want to give you a goodbye. It's not a proper goodbye, but it's the best I can do so that you won't be able to change anything. By the time you're reading this, I'll have overdosed on pills and may or may not be dead. I made sure that you wouldn't know where I live, by only having you come over a couple of times, but I umm... I really liked you, you were great and you tried to help but, by the time I met you it was already too late. I was too far gone. You were really, really great, and I think you would have made an amazing boyfriend, and to be honest, I kinda wish you were my boyfriend. Anyways, I love you Felix, and I hope you have a good life.

Good bye'

I growled as the text ran through my head again. She knew, she knew that ever since she met me, she was still planning on going through with it! I've known Gabby for months, and I was scared that one day she was going to toss me aside because she didn't need me anymore, and I was ready for that. What I wasn't ready for was her fucking abandoning me in this fucking place! I didn't want to be alone again!

"Fucking hell. Where does she live?!" I growled out to myself and I soon found myself at the school. Maybe I can find my way from here, Bremin was small enough for that at least.

My body wasn't accustomed to running and my muscles were already beginning to ache. The only time I would ever run, was when I was running to catch up with Gabby. She was nice. She helped me, and I thought I was helping her, but I guess not. I guess she didn't really need me after all.

Houses were flying by, but one caught my attention. I stopped running and I looked back to the house across the street, where I saw something familiar... Gabby's bike! She used to ride it whenever we met up, and she always kept it chained to her front porch, easy to get when leaving the house she said.

I ran over to the house and began banging on the door. Is her family home? No, if they were home they would have heard my banging by now. While one hand continued to bang on the door, the other moved down to the door handle and tried to turn it, but it was locked. I growled and ran from the door, heading into the backyard, my body groaning as I jumped over the fence.

I looked for the back door when I came across a sliding door, that was unlocked! My eyes widened and I jumped over to the door, slamming it open. Once I looked inside, I knew it, this was definitely Gabby's house. I recognised everything. I knew my way from here.

"Gabby!" I yelled out, and I didn't get a response. Oh god, am I too late? My body began running again and I ran to Gabby's room, where she was lying on the floor next to her bed. She was out cold, shit! I quickly picked her up and I ran to the bathroom.

I turned on the cold water of the shower as I placed the two of us in the bath which was connected to the shower. I jumped as the water hit me, and Gabby's body reacted slightly, she's still alive!

"Gabby! You need to wake up! Don't do this, please! I love you!" I don't care if she was asleep, I was saying it to her! She needed to know! She has to know that she isn't alone!

Gabby still wasn't waking up, and I was getting worried. I need to get the pills out of her. I sighed lightly, a knot forming in my throat. I slid my fingers into Gabby's mouth, searching for her gag reflex, which seemed to be harder than it should be.

Suddenly, Gabby's body began convulsing, and I placed her on her front as she began vomiting. I watched as a mass amount of pills came up with the contents of her stomach. I frowned, how desperate was she to get away from this world?

"Fel-ix—" She was awake? And she knew it was me?

"Shh, Gabby. Just breathe please, I love you, so I need you to just breathe. Don't ever leave me again like that, I love you too much. I love you. I love you. I love you."

Gabby's P.O.V

Felix... he was here. He was here, with me, right now. And I was alive and breathing. My body snuggled into Felix, his body heat was slowly disappearing though. I wonder why, wait, I was cold too. My eyes slowly blinked open to see freezing cold water running down the both of us.

"Fel-ix—" Felix cut me off, shushing me. My mouth closed, my throat was dry. And my body ached, and I was cold. And Felix was holding me, uttering words that I never thought I would hear from him.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." Over and over again, and I loved it. Does this mean that he was mine now? Then I am never ever leaving again. The both us were crying, and to be honest, I don't even know why I was crying.

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