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Two plumbers sat alone in their quiet, safe, tranquil home. The sun was shining and all was well in the Mushroom Kingdom. 

These were the two heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom, wearing their classic overalls and caps. Peach and Daisy.

This moment was a moment of peace. A moment of quiet before the storm. "Wow, it sure is peaceful today, ey Peach?" Daisy observed while making tea. She giggled and handed Peach a cup, then sat down across from her, stirring a cube of sugar into her own.

"Don't jinx it, Daisy," Peach giggled, taking the cup and gently blowing on it to cool it.

"Hey, just pointing it out. it's almost too peaceful. Like... where's the action?" Daisy asked. As if on cue, a toadette came sprinting over and frantically started knocking on their door. Peach immediately furrowed her eyebrows and rushed up, opening the door for her. 

The toadette rushed inside, out of breath, nearly collapsing onto the floor. "P-P-P-Peach! Thank goodness you're home! We need your help!!" The toadette cried. 

Daisy walked up behind Peach and readjusted her orange hat, confused by the sudden outburst, but not all that worried. After all, it wasn't uncommon. "Sup Toadette. What's wrong? Why ya acting all crazy?" 

The toadette continued trying to catch her breath as she explained, her voice breathy and panicked. "T-the Mushroom Castle was- was RAIDED! A-and Prince Mario! H-he's GONE," She cried. "Our prince is gone!!!"

"GONE?!" Daisy and Peach gasped at the same time.

"Who would do such a-.... wait a minute..." Daisy trailed off. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms at Peach, scoffing. "Great. I bet this was the work of that bad guy." 

"Ugh, not again," Peach groaned, rolling her eyes as well in an annoyed manner. "EVERY WEEK. You would think he'd learn to get another hobby."

Daisy giggled, then gently patted the toadette's head. "Don't worry, we won't stand for this. We'll get Prince Mario back. Let's-a-go!"

The toadette watched with wide eyes as the two heroes started running off towards their next adventure. 

"Good luck, girls..." She muttered. "We're counting on you!"


King Boo paced back and forth in the air, floating a few feet above the ground of his own haunted castle, rallying to a large group of boos. "Alright. Our plan is flawless. All we need to do is sneak in, grab the Prince, then boom! The Mushroom Kingdom will be ours!! No more haunted castles and lonely kingdoms!!!" He laughed to himself.

All the Boos below seemed to cheer, going on and on about how brilliant his plan was, when the cheering was suddenly interrupted by a human voice.

"Oh, I don't think so," Came Daisy's voice, causing the Boo King to immediately turn around and see the silhouettes of two women standing at the entrance of the castle.

"What?! Peach?! And.... what was it, Tulip?" King Boo questioned.

"IT'S DAISY! Can you seriously not even remember my name!" Daisy shouted, placing her hands on her hips in an annoyed manner.

"Yeah! We literally do this, like, every other week," Peach pointed out. 

King Boo paused as if confused when his face suddenly lit up as if he just remembered. "Ah... I remember you. The orange Peach!" King boo chuckled. 

"I hate you," Daisy muttered, clenching fists. "Now HAND OVER MARIO!! We know you have him! Where is he?!"

"I'll never tell- wait huh?" King Boo questioned, a confused expression sweeping over his face. "I mean... I was planning on kidnapping Mario, but I don't have him YET. We were just about to launch the attack.." 

Let's Try This Again, Shall we? (A SPM Swap AU)Where stories live. Discover now