Hold Up, Hold Up, Have we Heard This Before?

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Okay, Hold up, hold up, HOLD UP! Is it just me, or does this story sound. . . familiar.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but yep... definitely sounds familiar.

So, since you already know the story, why don't we switch the perspective up a little?

Yeah, Yeah! Let's switch it up! We'll get back to the main story in a minute, but who said I have to stick to the heroes or the main characters!

Let's pass the mic over to-

~ L̷͇̜̜̮͍̙̩͈̙̪̿͒͋̃͒̽͘u̵̟͛̌͜ì̵̭͖̩̱̥̟̼̏͗̒͊͋̎̈́͠g̷̡̨̩͔̯̖͎̩̜̗̍̎̎į̶̖̼̥͙̲̤͎͙̓͗̈́̑̌͑̉͂̐̆ͅ ̴̟͔̗͓͍̩̰͒̂̈̐̓̾P̶̙̆̎̈̀̊͆̉Ơ̶͇̞͉̺͝V̷̧̡̨̘̰̱͉͍̗̦͆̑͌͗̊̍͘̕͝ ~

The sun shone through my large bedroom blinds. I could hear the birds softly chirping outside my window, singing as they did every morning, greeting the morning sun. I slowly sat up and stretched my arms, yawning. I pulled the covers off and opened the window. A soft, cool morning breeze flowed through, and I smiled at what a beautiful day it was outside. The sun was rising over the beautiful desert mountains. The clouds, a bright pink color. The lines of golden sunlight streaming through them gave me a feeling, telling me that everything was alright.

I softly smiled and leaned my head out the window, shutting my eyes and taking the morning in. "Good morning world. Today is going to be great!" I breathed, feeling the sun on my face.

I took a step back, shut the window, then slowly turned to my dresser and pulled out my clothes. I grabbed my crown and my formal wear and went to the bathroom to change.

Once I finished, I took a look in the full-body mirror which I had in my personal bathroom. I straightened my crown, only for it to fall crooked again. I've pretty much given up on trying to keep it straight, so I allowed it. "Today is going to be great..." I reminded myself, smiling at my reflection. "Today is going to be different."

Of course, I said this every day, but with every new day came a new opportunity for something new-


I paused all of a sudden, and it was as if the warm feeling was gone. I slowly raised an eyebrow, looking around myself.


"Hello?" I asked. Only, no one was there, obviously. I sighed and shrugged, looking back at the mirror. "Strange..."

I suddenly felt... Oddly uncomfortable. As if I wasn't alone. But that's silly because I was ALWAYS alone. Heh... it was almost sad how much time I spent alone. I really wished I had a roommate. Like how Peach and Daisy were roommates. It seemed so fun. I'd move in with Mario, but someone needs to take care of Sarasaland and I didn't think he'd be cool with leaving the Mushroom Kingdom.


I suddenly jumped at the noise again, frantically looking around. "Hello? Anybody here?" I asked again.

"̵L̵u̵i̴-̸ ̷L̸u̷i̷g̷i̴!̸ ̶C̵a̴n̷ ̴y̸o̸u̶ ̶h̸e̸-̷ ̴L̴u̶i̸g̴i̴ ̴c̴a̴n̸ ̶y̷o̷u̷-̵ ̸M̷e̴-̸M̷e̶-̶h̸e̴a̵r̶ ̴M̵e̶?̷"̴

I could definitely tell It was a voice, but it seemed... Broken. It was like someone was playing a broken record. The voice was echoing and... glitching? I jumped and stumbled backward, accidentally tripping and falling into my counter, knocking over a wall of royal certificates and awards, making a huge mess.

Let's Try This Again, Shall we? (A SPM Swap AU)Where stories live. Discover now