Oh Good. You're Not Dead.

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Nastasia returned to the large black castle, kneeling down and gasping for breath. "Golly, Nassy. Did the hero actually beat-cha?" Mimi asked.

Nastasia looked up, her eyes filled with guilt. "Please, my countess. Forgive me. I underestimated her. It won't happen again, I swear on it."

Countess Tippi looked down at her minion, then over at Mimi. "So the hero really is a force to be reckoned with. Mimi, the prophecy! Consult it and learn where the hero will go next... We will lay a devious trap for her and bring her to her very KNEES! Tippi decreed," She laughed, as Mimi raised her hand.

"Already on it!" Mimi chimed. "I had Chunky sent to a site! He's so strong he'll surely beat this so-called hero."

Tippi nodded in approval, then stood up, holding out her arms. "I depart! Alert Countess Tippi when this 'hero' is no more! Teeheehee! TIPPI!" She exclaimed, walking off and laughing wickedly.

"Yes, my Countess," Mimi mumbled, looking away and muttering under her breathe. "But first... I have some other business to take care of. NASSY, Come with me. I got a JOB for you."


Meanwhile, at the other end of the castle, a lonely prince was lying on the ground. His head rung loudly, as he rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up. "Nnnhg...hmm?" He mumbled, blinking his eyes a few times as the place went into focus. "Where am... wait."

The prince suddenly jerked up and got onto his feet. "Didn't that nasty... ugh, what was her name, Countess Tippi? YEAH! Didn't she try to make me marry...BOO?! And then Daisy, she..." Mario shut his mouth and nervously looked around, not seeing anyone else in the room with him. "DAISYYYYY?! KING BOO?!?!?! IS ANYONE HERE?" He called, not wanting to be alone. "HELLO?"

He nervously walked around when a small voice suddenly came from behind him. "Are you a bad guy?" The voice asked, causing prince Mario to jump and whirl around to see a small boo. The ghost immediately got scared and froze, covering its face.

Mario's eyes softened as he took pity on the small ghost. "No," He assured, offering a soft smile. "I'm not a bad guy."

The boo slowly uncovered his face, looking up at Mario. "Yeah... that's what I thought. I thought I recognized you. Because our king kidnaps you all the time..."

"Ah. Yes..." Mario mumbled, slightly uncomfortable. "Do you know where King Boo would be? Or Daisy, for that matter?"

"Nope..." The boo mumbled. "No idea. But we gotta get out of here before the bad guys-"

"Well, golly. You're already leaving?" Mimi interrupted, causing both the prince and the small boo to whirl around to face her. "But we just got here."

The boo seemed a little nervous but bravely floated in front of Mario. "H-hey! I'm not afraid of you! Where's my King-"

Nastasia, who was standing right next to Mimi, suddenly looked at the Boo and adjusted her glasses, making a bright flash appear. The boo suddenly got very dizzy, then shook its head. "HAIL TIPPI!" It shouted, sounding like a whole new boo.

"W-whoa!" Mario stuttered, stepping back. "What did you do to him?!"

"Oh, my good friend here just brainwashed him~!" Mimi chimed, patting Nastasia's back. "And you're next, pretty prince. Looks like your luck runs out right here, and right now."

Mario held his hands up to shield his eyes as Nastasia raised her hands to her glasses, when Mario suddenly vanished, making Mimi and Nastasia's jaws both drop.

"WHERE'D HE GO?!" Mimi shouted, rushing to where Mario just was, before looking back at Nastasia, who just shrugged.

"Well... this isn't a real dealbreaker. It's not like the lousy prince can do much anyway," Mimi giggled, walking off. "This isn't that bad. He'd probably slow us down anyway."

Let's Try This Again, Shall we? (A SPM Swap AU)Where stories live. Discover now