Why Did He Delete You

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~ Ḽ̶̕u̴̲̚ï̸̡g̶͚̚ǐ̷̜ ̵̼̕P̸̩̌O̴̮͐V̸̨̿ ~

~ Present Time ~

I waited with my back to the cell door, simply standing there as time passed by. And for once, I was completely silent.

I wasn't sure if I felt mad at Mr. L for being so willing to sacrifice me to get his control back. I wasn't sure how I felt about Dimentio stepping in and locking me down here. On the one side, he saved me from being brainwashed, but on the other hand, I was locked down here now. So much for a heroic first adventure...

"Why aren't you talking?!" Mr. L asked after what felt like about an hour, although there was no real way to tell time since there wasn't a clock down here. That on its own was scary. I've always had an exact schedule to follow, so not being able to see a clock at all times was very off-putting. I wished I brought one of my watches."I've never heard you not talk. Why are you being so silent? It's freaking me out."

I didn't reply. I was just... thinking. I wasn't sure if I was ignoring him because I was upset with him, or if it was just because I was disappointed in myself for getting caught and trapped so early into the adventure. This is probably why Daisy and Peach were the heroes and I was the prince. I clearly wasn't cut out for this.

Plus, I was starting to question why I was even here. Mr. L was ready to let me be brainwashed. Why was I even doing all of this? Why was I helping him?! Just to be a part of the adventure? What was my goal? I left the Mushroom Kingdom to help the ghost in my head talk to his friend!! Why would I do that?! Was I really THAT desperate for something new?

"Luigi, please talk," Mr. L begged. "You have to say something. We have to... to figure a way out of this."

I paused, then emptily looked up at his ghost. He almost looked worried. It was unsettling. I had seen Mr. L look worried before, but it wasn't too much of a worried look. It was more ticked off at the fact that I wasn't understanding at the same level as him. But THIS look seemed like a REAL worried look.

"Why..." I started, finally speaking to him for probably the first time since we got locked in this little cell. "Why does he hate you? What did you do?"


"Either you tell me why he deleted you, or I sit here and quit listening. I'll quit listening to you. I'm sure Peach will find a way to save me eventually." I stated. "I won't continue to blindly help you anymore. I'm not some...some sheep that'll just follow behind you."

Mr. L seemed to visibly wince, almost as if he was shocked by what I had said. Not going to lie, it wasn't something I'd usually say. But I didn't want to blindly do as he said, only for him to dispose of me when convenient. If I was going to help him, I would need to know why. If I was going to be a part of this, I was going to need to have more information. I wouldn't just go on an adventure for the sake of being on one anymore. I needed to know the reasons.

Mr. L seemed to let out a long sigh, then floated to the other side of the cell and sat down, sitting across from me. "... So you know how I told you he killed me?" Mr. L asked. 

I nodded in response but didn't reply with a verbal answer. He waited a moment, before continuing. "Well, that wasn't the last time we met. We met once more... in the aftergame."

~̴̮̔ ̶̟̆F̵͉̍l̸͇̚ả̵͍s̴͎̒h̴̟̃b̸̠͒a̷͉̕c̸̜͐k̴͎͐ ̶͖̈́~̵̗͐

~ Third Person POV ~

A man with a green hat and a matching bandana sat alone in a cell, sitting against the wall, just listening to the sound of water drip...drip...drip...

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