Feeling Blue

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~ Flashback ~

"BLUMIERE?! BLUMIERE!" Timpani cried, running through the small town where the Tribe of Darkness had resided. Where Blumiere had lived.

She had worried tears peaking in the corners of her eyes as she continued sprinting, not caring who saw her anymore. "BLU! BLUMIERE, WHERE ARE YOU?!" She desperately cried out.

She continued running when she eventually came up to what looked like some sort of church. She skidded to a halt to see a man who very much resembled Blumiere, standing in front of the closed door with his back to her.

He had the same dark blue skin tone as Blumiere. The same vibrant blue hair. He looked very similar, so far the only difference being the fact that he was slightly taller and slimmer than the man she fell in love with. "HEY!" Timpani shouted, grabbing his arm and forcing him to face her. "Where is Blumiere?! What did you do with him?! I have to see him!" She demanded, voice strong.

This was when she noticed the man's eyes. She couldn't do anything but gasp at the sight of them. What she had expected to see was two cruel, red, demon eyes.

But instead, what she saw was hopeless, glassy eyes, tears on the verge of spilling out of them. She saw pain and devastation.

"My son...." He muttered, his voice sounding shaky and broken and NOTHING like how she had expected it to. Again, she expected something lower and demon-like. But what she got was a lighter sounding, broken, voice which was slightly higher-pitched than Blumiere's. "... They... the tribe..."

The man paused for a moment, like he was trying to find the heart to say what he was going to say. But instead, he suddenly broke down into loud sobs, dropping down to his knees and covering his face.

"I.... had to... I had to... then when the time came to... to... I couldn't do it. So they did it for me," He stuttered, words hard to even make out. He was sobbing hysterically, his voice filled with a pain Timpani had never heard before.

"What? W-what are you talking about?!" Timpani asked, voice shakier than before as the blue man continued to cry, his vibrant blue hair brushing over his eyes as more and more tears spilled from them like a violent, raging waterfall.

"H-h-he brought shame to my name. And to the tribe," The man sniffed, looking up at her with a heartbroken expression in his eyes. She could see so much emotion in those eyes. Devastation, anger, sorrow, fear. "B-because of you," The man stated, voice going slightly deeper.

"Where is he?!" Timpani demanded, slightly fearful at what was being implied. "I have to see him!"

"Gone," The man replied with a devastated, almost empty tone. "He no longer resides in the world... Because of YOU!!!!"

The man moved his hands as if he was about to grab her throat, but he stopped himself, the grief and pain weighing him down. He took a look at his shaking hands in front of him, eyes filling with fear. Then he covered his face and sobbed again, but this time softer. It was like he was just now realizing how helpless he truly was. How powerless he was to change what had already been done.

"I... don't even have it in me to hate right now." He muttered, voice soft and weak, sounding small like a mouse.

Timpani looked down at the crying blue man and took a nervous step back, shaking her head, the weight of the situation finally hitting her like a shockwave. "N-No... it can't be," She whimpered.

He just continued sobbing, looking away from her and rubbing heavy blue tears away. "I wish it wasn't," He replied, lip quivering. "This... is the price those who resist their own fate must pay. This.... this is why our kind and humans must never mix..."

Let's Try This Again, Shall we? (A SPM Swap AU)Where stories live. Discover now