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~ Third Person POV ~

Ms. D left Luigi to himself, heading up to the next meeting, pushing thoughts of him to the back of her mind. The heroes had been continuing to progress quickly, supposedly heading to Sammer's Kingdom next. 

Of course, the meeting started thirty minutes ago, but she thought she'd try to make an entrance by being fashionably late. And besides, she needed a moment to think about what Luigi had said.

Had he really recognized her? It came as somewhat of a shock... especially because no one else recognized her. Not even Peach, who was Daisy's best friend!

She paused a moment, then shook the thoughts away, jumping into the meeting, making sure to grab everyone's attention. 

"S'up Juniors!!" She chimed, jumping into her spot with a thud and bowing slightly. "Did ya miss me? Admit it, you missed me!"

"Ms. D. You're late," Mimi pointed out, seeming somewhat annoyed.

"And you're short. Looks like we've all got flaws!" Ms. D giggled. "Now when can I get back out there. I fixed up a machine PERFECT for finally taking those little uncultured swines down once and for all! Just give the word and I'll roll out!"

"Not now, Ms. D. The Countess gave me SPECIFIC orders to have you all STAND DOWN! So there will be no robot action. Okie?" Mimi stated, holding her hands behind her back.

"WHAT?!" Ms. D cried. "But come on. I fixed my robot up and everything. Do you know how much of Nastasia's money that cost?!"

"Excuse me?!" Nastasia demanded as Ms. D shushed her.

"I'm sorry. Her orders are final." Mimi stated, turning on her heels and walking off.

Ms. D just waited, crossing her arms and grumbling to herself as everyone else left the room. Well... everyone except Dimentio.

The jester seemed to take a deep breath, then floated forward, a sly smile on his masked face. "Ah ha ha. Hard to stay still when you pine for sweet vengeance, isn't it?" He teased.

"Ugh, what do you want, clown boy?" She spat, rolling her eyes in an annoyed manner.

"Nothing. The countess's orders are all absolute...completely without exception, yes? We shouldn't even dare to think about a secret sneak attack. Perish the thought! Defeating the hero would please the countess greatly...but we MUST follow orders!" He exclaimed, sticking to his script.

"Yeah. Like when you secretly locked up the pretty prince?" Ms. D smirked, causing Dimentio to draw back slightly.


"I didn't know the countess let us keep pets!" Ms. D teased. "Or does she? Perhaps she'd like to know about your little prisoner?"

Dimentio just remained frozen as Ms. D wore a confident expression, stepping closer to him. "What are you even doing with him?" She asked, smiling. 

He remained silent, trying to maintain a neutral expression under his mask as she approached him in a somewhat threatening manner, lowering her voice to a serious whisper. "Well, whatever it is, you better watch out, Dimentio. You're not the only one interested in that little prince...."

And with that, she lightly giggled and walked past him, about to leave the room when she suddenly stopped and turned back to him. "Oh, and another thing... if you dare lay a finger on his pretty little face, I will personally send you to the deepest pits of the Underwhere," She stated, shrugging and pushing onward, on her way to fire up her machine and lead herself to her grave own grave.

Let's Try This Again, Shall we? (A SPM Swap AU)Where stories live. Discover now