Almost the Same?

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"................................................. Hey..........................................each......................................Peach?........................................PEACH!" A distant voice called as if it was shouting from miles away.

"Five more minutes...." The plumber mumbled, still half asleep on the stone ground of King Boo's castle. She rolled over and adjusted her cap so it was covering her eyes, yawning.

"GET UP!" The voice called, suddenly sounding much closer, causing the hero to jerk up and snap her eyes open.

"I'm up! I'm up!" She snapped, rubbing her eyes and looking around. "Who... Who said that...."

"I did." Came a voice from behind her, causing her to whirl around to see... a fairy? "What the...." She muttered, looking at whatever this creature was. "Who the heck are you?!"

"I'm so glad you're up!" The fairy-like creature chimed. "My name is Bleck!"

Peach raised an eyebrow, thinking that this must have been some weird sort of dream. She'd seen all kinds of weird creatures, but nothing quite like this thing. "Bleck?" Peach questioned. "Like, bleh, but with a k at the end?"

"Um, I guess you could describe it like that," He muttered, floating closer. "I'm a Pixl. But that doesn't matter right now. Peach, I came to find you!"

She paused, looking at the strange creature, slightly weirded out by its appearance. She had never seen something quite like it. "Um... okay then," She nervously chuckled. "I'm... flattered? Do you want an autograph or something?"

"Oh, no, no. Although I'm sure Pierre would love one" Bleck chimed. "Now come with me! We haven't a moment to lose!"

Before Peach could even ask who the heck Pierre was, a small box seemed to appear around the two of them, causing the plumber to jump. "Let's be off!" Bleck chimed, making them flip away like magic.

Peach opened her eyes to see she was on top of some strange-looking tower, that weird fairy thing next to her. "Whoa, what the..." She muttered, turning around herself, as Bleck giggled. "You'll get used to it. Welcome to Flipside!"

"Flip-what?!" Peach questioned.

"Flipside!" Bleck answered. "As in the place between Dimensions. But I'll have them explain it to you!" 

"Them?" Peach asked, when a guy cleared his throat from behind her, causing her to jump and whirl around to see two men. One wore a long, blue cloak which cast a shadow over his face, leaving nothing but his two yellow eyes and his incredibly long, white mustache visible. He looked ANCIENT.

The other looked similar. He wore a long red cloak, a shadow casting over his face leaving just two blue eyes visible. No mustache though. He didn't look nearly as ancient, but he seemed taller and thinner. Not deathly skinny, but slender.

"That would be us!" The guy in the blue cloak chimed, stepping forward. "Now who would you be my dear-"

The guy in the red cloak suddenly teleported so he was right in from of the plumber, making her jump back a little as he grabbed her hand and looked at her, his blue eyes going wide. They almost looked child-like, being filled with so much wonder. "Wait, wait wait wait," The guy in the red cloak started, his voice sounding younger than the other guy's. "Pink shirt, blue overalls, magnificent golden locks...." He suddenly used his free hand to take his red hood off, revealing a big, bright smile. "Bleck... is this....?"

He looked to be in his twenties, but his smile was almost too childish. It was a smile that could immediately put anyone at ease. He had messy black hair which brushed over his seemingly glowing blue eyes. His skin was a grey color. It was like his whole body was a mixture of blacks and greys except for his blue eyes, which stood out compared to the rest of him.

Let's Try This Again, Shall we? (A SPM Swap AU)Where stories live. Discover now