Bleck and Countess Tippi

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~ Third Person POV ~

"So... why are you really here?" Ms. D asked Pierre as they walked through the halls in search of the inner sanctum, after walking a good distance through in blissful silence, no questions asked until now.

Pierre had hoped it would stay that way, but of course, it wouldn't. "W-What do you mean?" He replied with a nervous tone, unable to keep his voice calm due to the whole worlds ending thing. "I just wanna help-"

"Pfft, no. You want something specific. What is it?" Ms. D asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking. "Don't bother lying. Being a liar myself, I can almost always tell."

The ancient nervously fidgeted, his posture slightly hunched over as if he was trying to be smaller. For once he felt grateful for the cloak which covered his face. He felt somewhat comforted by it hiding his true feelings. 

However, he could tell she wasn't going to give up until she knew, so minus well save the energy. It wasn't like he had time to be secretive anymore. "I just... I have this... friend. And I don't want anything bad happening to him. I keep getting this feeling that... he'll remember. That he's remembering. And if he remembers... he won't let the heroes kill Countess Tippi. He'll either allow all worlds to be destroyed, which will make him die, or he'll let the heroes kill her and die anyway to be with her. Either way... I don't think it's going to go well. So... I'm here to try to save him," Pierre explained.

Ms. D blinked a few times at his response as if she was trying to understand what he had just said. "Okay, gonna be honest, I didn't get half of what you just said," Ms. D laughed, shrugging. 

"I'm just... trying to save someone important to me." Pierre clarified, sighing.

"Well... is that what he wants?" Ms. D questioned.

Pierre's blue eyes softened slightly as he looked up at her.

"Huh?" He questioned.

"Is that what he wants?" Ms. D repeated. "Does he want you to save him?"

Pierre paused, slightly taken aback. He knew what Blumiere wanted. He had known it all alone. He wanted love. He wanted to be with her. That's all Blumiere had ever wanted. 

He wasn't sure if trying to save his son was selfish or selfless. It was clear before, but it wasn't now.

"I... don't know." Pierre lied, looking down and instantly feeling guilty. "All I know... is that he loves her and he wanted to be with her. No matter the cost. No matter what happened to him, he didn't care. He just wanted to be with her." Pierre explained.

"Hmmm, seems like you've got quite the situation, Blue" Ms. D laughed, causing Pierre to freeze up.

"Please.... don't call me that," Pierre muttered, his voice suddenly much lower and darker.

"Why not?! Your eyes are blue! It's like... your defining feature!" Ms. D argued, gesturing to them.

Noticing his much darker manner, he quickly tried to get back to being peppy again, lightly laughing and smiling even though Ms. D couldn't see it. "I'd like to think of my smile as my defining feature actually..." Pierre trailed off.

"Well, I can only see you smile through your eyes! So...."

"Whatever. J-just don't call me Blue." Pierre laughed, patting her back as they continued walking. 

"Why not?" She wondered aloud.

"It's just... I used to call someone close to me that." Pierre shrugged, trying to make his voice sound less pain-filled and more casual. He had been spending years perfecting it, so he had gotten pretty good at sounding happy.

Let's Try This Again, Shall we? (A SPM Swap AU)Where stories live. Discover now