Cheri NO!

92 5 16

~ Third Person POV ~

"HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT WAS HIS FAVORITE VASE?!" Mario exclaimed as he walked out of Merlee's large mansion next to Peach and Bleck, pure heart in hand.

"I told you not to break it," Peach laughed. "You're such a clutz sometimes, your highness."

Peach continued giggling while Mario wore an annoyed expression on his face, feeling somewhat humiliated after what he had just gone through. "Okay, but he didn't have to get all angry and start, and I quote, 'chunking things,'" Mario sighed, holding up air quotes.

"It's sort of what he does," Bleck explained. "It's his name and everything. But do not worry, you seem unscratched! ...For the most part."

"Unscratched? UNSCRATCHED?! HOW'S THIS FOR UNSCRATCHED!" Prince Mario exclaimed, rolling up his sleeve and revealing a tiny bruise on his elbow. 

"Mario, don't you think you're overreacting just a TINY bit?" Peach giggled.

"No. I am not," Mario spat, crossing his arms while Peach smiled a soft smile at him. He wanted to stay upset... but with her smiling like that, it was hard to stay mad. "Alright... maybe a TINY bit," Mario admitted, pulling out the pure heart. "But... I'll admit. It was interesting to be ON the adventure instead of just being rescued. That was... intense, but also a little thrilling. I could almost say I enjoyed it," He chuckled. 

"See! I knew you would!" Bleck beamed. "Now come along. We need to return the pure heart to Flipside and open the next door! Our journey awaits!"


"Ummm, Countess," Mimi muttered, walking up behind Countess Tippi and clearing her throat, back in that dark inter sanctum in Castle Tippi. "Nassy informed me of a brief memo from Chunky. She said that HE said, 'Ay lassie, I dun mezzed up real bad'" Mimi explained, shapeshifting into O'Chunks and imitating his voice almost perfectly. Then she turned back into herself. "The heroes keep getting past us. Should we send Nassy out again?" She questioned in an almost worried tone.

Countess Tippi continued facing away, but briefly turned her head to the side, a small smile on her face. "Hmm... No. Countess Tippi will send..."

She suddenly clapped her hands together as if summoning someone. "DIMENTIO, would you be a doll and come to Countess Tippi?" She asked almost sweetly.

Before she even finished her sentence, the jester teleported right next to her, making Mimi jump slightly upon his arrival. "And so I arrive, like a sudden windstorm at a kindergarten picnic!" He beamed. 

Tippi nodded at him and smiled in return. "It's about time you got involved in the action, Dimentio. So some action you'll have! Dispatch the heroes!" Tippi commanded, turning away.

Dimentio nodded and quickly bowed, holding his arms out as if she were royalty. "Your wish is my command. Besides, this fool sounds like an amusing challenge. Now if there is nothing else, I'll just be on my way. Ciao, my count...ess." He replied, voice slightly faltering at the end. 

And just as soon as he arrived, he left, teleporting away with a chime.

Mimi waited until he was gone, letting out a sigh of relief. She didn't know why, but she always had a little bit of a bad feeling about him. "Well, that should hopefully take care of these silly heroes," She breathed, composing herself. "I'm gonna go get Nassy and take care of the last few little boos who've yet to join our side. I'll report back soon!" She stated, running off.

Countess Tippi nodded, then scoffed to herself, slowly walking in the opposite direction as Mimi, down the long, empty hallways. "Heroes... Trying to save these pathetic old worlds. Teeheehee~! Their efforts are in vain. No one can stop Countess Tippi!" She laughed, only for her laughter to suddenly fade, being replaced with a much more melancholic expression.

Let's Try This Again, Shall we? (A SPM Swap AU)Where stories live. Discover now