Street Magicians

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"Ugh, I hate climbing," Mario muttered, further along on their adventure, still in search of the next pure heart, sweating as he followed behind Peach, who was already halfway up the huge tree the group needed to climb. "Swimming, climbing, I hate it all!"

"If you used more of your arm strength you could get up faster," Bleck suggested as Mario shot him a glare. "

"Awww, someone seems upset~!" King Boo chuckled, floating next to Mario and smirking as if his pain was amusing.

"Shut up," Mario snapped. "And we get it. You can float. You don't have to keep bothering me."

"Oh, but it's so fun!" King Boo laughed, chuckling then floating to the top of the tree and leaning over the edge. "HURRY UP SLOWPOKES!"

"Almost there!" Peach chimed, swiftly jumping from branch to branch, then gracefully landing at the top of the tree. "Done! Take your time Mario!"

"Yep!" King Boo added. "Take all the time you need. It's not like the end of all worlds is at stake or anything!"

"SHUT UP! I'M GOING AS FAST AS I CAN!" Mario shouted, slowly reaching for the next branch, clearly frustrated. 

~ An Hour and a Half Later ~

Mario exhaustedly reached for the last branch and hoisted himself, gasping for breath. "I did it!" He breathed, utterly winded. "I finally did it!"

"Ah. Yes," King Boo smirked, crossing his arms. "It only took you three years! I'm impressed!"

"Shut up. If you had to climb you'd be just as exhausted as me, and you know it." Mario spat, slowly standing himself up, legs shaking.

"Guys, we don't have time to fight," Peach urged, reaching for the door which was at the top of the tree "We've wasted enough time as it is."

"Cool. So we're just gonna... walk into this random door?" King Boo questioned. "That's not weird at all!"

"Well, yes," Bleck replied. "This is the pathway to the pure heart. We must follow."

"Okay..." King Boo shrugged as Peach swung it open and walked in, the rest of the team closely following and closing the door behind them.

Then, the room suddenly fell silent. Everyone suddenly got the feeling that they were no longer alone.

"Ah ha ha. Finally, you arrive!" Chimed a voice, his tone somewhat manipulative.

And before they knew it, that jester from before teleported into the room, floating above everyone. "You don't wear tardiness well." He laughed.

"You again?" Peach questioned as Mario and King Boo exchanged confused glances, this being their first time meeting the foe.

The jester turned his attention to Peach, wearing an amused grin on his masked face. "Well met, lady. Your beauty is as fresh as a slap to the face on a crisp winter day!"

"Wh- HEY! Who exactly are you?!" Mario demanded, face turning somewhat red. "D-Don't say that to her!"

"I am a humble servant of Count Bleck..." He started, doing a playful little flip in the air as he floated around in the air. "Master of dimensions... Pleaser of crowds... I am...Dimentio!"

Everyone just stared up at him with an unsure look on their faces as he continued, almost as if his dialogue was scripted. "It is truly enchanting to finally meet my hapless victims. I have prepared a special morsel of a treat for you! How about some...MAGIC!"

He held up his hands and the world seemed to fall apart, leaving nothing but green walls and floors. 

Everything, including the void, was gone.

Let's Try This Again, Shall we? (A SPM Swap AU)Where stories live. Discover now