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~ About Ten Minutes Later ~

Mr. L sat alone in a cell, sitting against the wall, just listening to the sound of water drip...drip...drip...

It's all he ever did anymore. Just listened to the noises he could hear. After all, there wasn't much else to see. There wasn't much else to touch or smell. There overall just wasn't much else.

Mr. L slowly blinked his eyes, listening to the familiar sounds of water dripping from the ceiling.


He suddenly sat up, bringing his hands to his face.

"Oh my Grambi," He muttered, quickly standing up and grabbing the cell bars, letting out a happy cry in relief when he saw that he could indeed grab them. He could feel the cold metal. He could feel the slight rusting. He could feel it.

He was real again. He was real.

"...So what now?" Asked another voice across the hall, bringing the man in green's attention forward to the cell across from his.

Across from him, stood Dimentio, no longer upset. Just... calm. He asked the question not in an accruing or annoyed manner, but with a sense of curiosity. 

"I-I'm not sure..." Mr. L replied, still smiling. He didn't care if he didn't have the future planned out, because truth to be told, all he wanted was the possibility of a future. "But... we'll figure it out. Together."

The jester slowly smiled back at him, and for once, was okay with not having some sort of elaborate plan to get what he wanted. For once, he truly felt fine.


Meanwhile, another man in green, wearing a green hat and overalls, slowly stepped from the Overthere into the cold landscape, two people behind him. One, a girl with long, flowing white hair and grey eyes. The other, a tall man wearing a monocle and a top hat, both holding hands and tracking behind the man in the green hat.

"Stay close," The guy in the green hat whispered. "I... have a few more people I have to find."

The pair behind him followed closely as he snuck around to a prison, doing his best to remember the way, though he never actually had been down here. Yes, he had been to the Underwhere before, but not to this exact section.

At least not in this lifetime.

He continued walking when he finally got to a long line of cells. He silently held up a hand, telling the other two to wait there. Then, he started forward, pulling out a small lock pick and getting down to some of the last cells, looking at the people inside.

"Hey," Luigi whispered, looking into Mr. L's cell and smiling slightly, causing the other man in green to jump slightly and look up at him with a confused expression. 

"Luigi?!" Mr. L questioned, curious as to what he was doing, knowing that Luigi couldn't remember anything. Why would he be down here? Him, of all people... "W-What are you doing here?"

"Breaking you out," Luigi shrugged, taking the lockpick and slowly picking Mr. L's lock as if it was second nature.

"Wh- Hey, where'd you learn to do that?!" Mr. L demanded, frowning slightly.

This only caused Luigi to smile brighter, unlocking the door and slowly swinging it open. "I learned from the best," He beamed, turning and going to unlock Dimentio's cell as well, leaving Mr. L starstruck. 

It didn't take him long to open Dimentio's cell, finally freeing them both and looking forward. 

"Now come on," He smiled. "It's raining at home, and I still want that trip to space."

Let's Try This Again, Shall we? (A SPM Swap AU)Where stories live. Discover now