Chapter 3: Chemistry?

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Y/N made her way through the empty halls of Midtown High.

Due to the assignment Mr. Stark had recently assigned her, she of course, was forced to temporarily transfer high schools. In order to get a thorough investigation over whoever this "Peter Parker" was.

After receiving her assignment, she spent the next week formulating an explanation to her parents as to why she needed to leave her home in Long Island. And to transfer to a school in Queens, for the "Stark Internship"

Because Y/N's parents believed that the internship was more of a mentoring for her career-wise, they were very supportive of her randomized schedule and rearrangements.

Ok so, "Peter Parker"

Y/N thought to herself.

She had done very basic research over who the boy was.

Mr. Stark had set up a baseline for her investigation.

He believed that he was connected to the mysterious figure who has been seen "rescuing" individuals with superhuman abilities, on youtube.

So Mr. Stark wants me to privately investigate this Parker kid, see if he's the real deal, decide if he's legit, and persuade him to work with us?

Y/N frowned after rethinking it to herself for the thousandth time.

The only way that I'd actually be able to find all of those things out is if I really get to know this kid.

She thought about the extreme amount of time and effort she'd need to put into really developing some kind of personal connection with him, in order to really be able to get a grasp on convincing him to join, if he really was legit.

Mr. Stark really set me up to be this boy's personal stalker. What a great assignment. Alex is really going to love this.

Alex was Y/N's current boyfriend of about almost a year. He has always been extremely supportive of her with the internship. And in reality, Alex wasn't really the jealous type, so the assignment wouldn't really be that much of an issue.

The school bell rang, and panic flashed through Y/N, but didn't last long

The hall's began to flood with students.

She was soothed by the fact that she was able to hack her school schedule, in order to match the majority of her classes with Parker's.

Ok, first class is Chemistry.

She found her way into the designated classroom, and began to scan the faces amongst the room.

Y/N was able to find a picture of Parker beforehand so she knew who to look for.

Ok, either I'm in the wrong class, I'm tripping, or this kid isn't here.

Peter was nowhere to be seen, and class was about to start in 5 minutes.

Y/N sat herself down at an empty lab table, away from all of the other students, not wanting to distract herself from her objective.

"Alright everyone settle down!" the teacher began, hushing the voices of the students.

Shit. I may really be in the wrong classroom. But there is absolutely no way that I could be, I did all of my previous research, and I specifically set it up to where I had my first class of the day here with him. And there's no way I got that wrong. God, what if I did that with the rest of the classes? Oh god, if I did? Mr. Stark's gonna kill me. Maybe Peter's just not here today? Maybe he-

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