Chapter 9: Internship

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The sound of the typical iPhone alarm had began to ring.

Peter's head shot up quickly, getting a grip on what was going on.

He grabbed his phone, and checked the time.


Peter yawned, getting himself up, getting ready to finish up the rest of the Chemistry Lab Project.

After about 30 minutes of getting ready, he spent the next hour finishing up.

Obviously Peter excelled academically, being the freak genius he was, building his own web shooters and all. While being on the academic decathlon team, Peter didn't have any trouble with a simple Chem lab presentation.

It was about 8, Peter heard his phone ring.

The caller ID read unknown, a look of confusion read over his face.

Curiously, he answered it.


"Hello, is this Peter Parker speaking?" a voice asked.

"Uh yeah this is him." responded.

"Good morning Peter, this is Happy Hogan. I'm calling on behalf of Tony Stark, from Stark Industries, we've seen you're work, and we're very interested in offering you an internship opportunity." Happy responded.

Peter's eyes widened, and confusion and excitement filled him up.

He started to internally freak out.

"Can you excuse me for one second please?" he asked him, then muting the phone call.


He unmuted the call, "Uh hey Mr. Hogan. Uhm, you said you've seen my work? What uhm, what exactly do you uh mean by that? What work exactly?" He questioned, a bit of anxiety filling him up.

"Let's just say we've seen your craftsmanship and engineering put to work, when needed out on the streets of Queens. Particularly last night" Happy said, knowing that Peter already knew what he was talking about.

Peter's heart dropped, did someone know his secret? If so, who? And how did Tony Stark find out?

"Uhm, I-I'm really sorry Mr. Uhm, Hogan. But I think you've got the wrong number, and wrong guy. I've got to get to class, it's been nice talking to you." He said very quickly, before instantly hanging up on him.

Peter grabbed his school bag, his project and headed for the bus stop.

Who could have known, or how could have Tony figured out it was me? Did someone see me change into the suit? There's no way, I always have it at school, or in my room. I take it with me and leave it somewhere where no one can get it. Maybe it was a kid at school.

Peter's head swarmed with thoughts the entire way to school.

Peter sat at the lab table where he and Y/N sit, and set his things down, waiting for her to arrive.

Before she arrived, the whole class was buzzing about the mysterious man in blue and red who had saved the store owner from a robbery.

It didn't help Peter forget about Stark's call.

"Hey Pete, you finish the project?" he heard Y/N greet.

Still distracted, he slowly drew his attention away from everyone else.

"yeah, yeah, I got it." he responded, still distracted.

"Awesome, it looks great" she responded sliding next to him to face the poster board.

He noticed how close Y/N was standing next to him, and finally drew his attention away from all of the gossip.

"Good thing we don't have to present till later on this week right?" she smiled, lightly bumping him with her elbow.

"haha y-yeah, for sure." he said lightly smiling back.

She picked up on his less enthusiastic self, "You ok Petey? You sick or something?" She said putting the back of her hand over his forehead, as if feeling for a fever.

"You seem a bit red? You got a fever?" She said moving her hand down to under his ear, slightly cupping his face.

"uhm, yeah no I'm just tired." he said, feeling his face heat up, not realizing he was turning red.

"Ok Parker, but remember you're not allowed to be sick, you're one of my only friends here. And you know how hard it is for me to make friends and socialize." she joked taking a seat across the lab table.

Peter did know, he thought back to how Y/N used to act around him, before when they first became friends, how socially awkward she was. How introverted and unenthusiastic she seemed about being friends. But after a bit of time, getting to know him and adjust to the school, she opened up a lot more, and became more comfortable and confident around him.

Peter's probably all shaken up by all the Spiderman business buzzing around.

The school bell finally rang, and all the students gathered to their seats.

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