Chapter 20: Unexpected Partnership

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Throughout the rest of that battle, Y/N tried her best to stick by Peter's side.

They worked well enough together, but granted, they would have been a lot better if Peter tried to cooperate a little more.

Y/N typically came up with good battle strategies, but she could sense the tension in Parker, so she let him take a bit of a lead.

They finally finished off after taking down an oversized Antman.

And when the rubble finally settled, and of course Tony yelling at Peter that he was done, he sent both of them on a plane ride home.

Y/N and Peter were back at Stark Tower, a few hours after the battle happened.

The plane ride was quiet and quite frankly, kind of awkward.

The two were greeted by Happy at the entrance of the building.

They made their way into the tower, where they had a few hours to rest, recover, get any medical treatment they might have needed.

Both Y/N and Peter were sitting in a living room type area, across from each other.

Y/N twiddled her thumbs, trying to avoid eye contact, feeling Parker stare her down.

Her social confidence went down completely, feeling Peter's intimidation towards her.

"Hey you two" Happy entered into the scene.

Y/N felt some relief and turned towards him, "hey Happy." she greeted.

Happy sat in a chair facing the both of them.

"So, how did things go?" He asked, seeming as if the two already knew what he was talking about.

"I mean in regards to Tony partnering you two up and such." He clarified.

Y/N didn't want to say anything, but Peter was not hesitant at all.

"Uhm, I actually didn't know that I was going to be partnered up with- uh." Peter began, still wearing his mask for some reason.

"Blue Glass!" Y/N finished quickly, before Happy got the chance to introduce her as Y/N.

Happy cocked an eyebrow at her, and she shook her head subtly.

"Uhm yeah. Mr. Stark never mentioned that anyone else was a part of the internship" Peter finished.

Happy finally got the idea, "I see, well Ms. Glass here, was actually Tony's original intern, and has been for some time now." Tony explained, not trying to give too much away.

Happy got up from his seat and began to walk around a bit.

"she's been under our training for a while. And for any potential future assignments Mr. Parker, you will be accompanied by Ms. Glass here, to show you the ropes a while, before you can do any assignments alone." Happy concluded.

Several emotions went through Peter at once. He was stoked, hearing that there might be more assignments, but also felt somewhat restricted, to have to be babysat by whoever this person was.

"With all due respect Mr. Hogan," Peter began, "I think I'm more than capable in learning things without supervision."

WTH Parker? What's your deal? Why are you so chill and friendly with everyone else, except me?

"Oh really?" Happy scoffed.

"Yes sir." Peter stated firmly.

"Alright, if you can beat Blue here in a fight, then I'll take you up on your word and send it to Tony." He responded, clapping his hands together.


Peter looked to Y/N, still expressionless with his mask on.

"Alright" He responded blatantly.

"Uhmmmm, excuse me-" Y/N cut in.

"Do I get a say in this?" Y/N laughed.

Happy perked up a bit, intrigued.

"I mean if you're afraid to lose, then by all means save us the energy and say so now." Peter sarcastically remarked.

Y/N was getting fed up with Parker's attitude and un unexplained intimidation towards her.

"Fine. lets go." She responded coldly.

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