Chapter 11: Clear The Air

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Peter and Y/N had parted ways at the lamp post that marked where they left for the direction of their apartments.

Peter felt like a weight was temporarily lifted off his shoulders.

But guilt overcame him for lying to Y/N.

He wasn't exactly lying, he did tell the truth about being offered the internship from Stark.

And he wasn't lying about the way he felt about it.

Or was he?

Peter was still extremely unsure about whether taking on the internship was even a safe option.

He knew deep down that he had to stick to his gut and not pursue it, even though it seemed like the coolest thing ever.

He didn't want to focus too much anymore on how Tony Stark had found out his secret. He just needed to be more careful about keeping his secret identity, a secret.

As Peter was walking home, drowned in his thoughts, a small bit of temptation overcame him.

He began to imagine what it would be like to work beside Tony Stark, as in of Stark Industries, as in Iron Man.

How awesome would that be?

But Peter quickly stored those feelings away, and focused on the safer option.

He made his way back home to Aunt May's and decided to go on patrol for the night, to clear his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Y/N had rushed home, to jump onto her phone and dial Stark up.

"Kid? This better be important" She heard Happy say as he picked up.

"Where's Mr. Stark?" She asked frantically

"Look, if this is about the 'partnership' thing that he led you on with, he doesn't want to hear it-"

"HAPPY, what did Stark say to Peter this morning???" She exclaimed cutting him off, clearly displaying her fit of panic to Happy.

"Y/N calm down, this morning, I approached him over the phone offering him an internship opportunity, and told him that we've seen his work, and wanted to consider him. But he immediately rejected it." He said in a calmer tone, trying to soothe her panic.

Y/N was filled with relief.

She was subconsciously afraid that Peter had lied to her, and already knew her secret and association to Stark.

She didn't really understand why, but she was really worried that Peter would hate her after he found out that she basically lied to him for the entirety of their friendship.

"So, he doesn't know that him and I are supposedly going to be 'partners' and he doesn't know about my identity and association to Stark?" she asked, re clarifying and reassuring herself.

"Yes, don't worry kid, we would have let you know before then. Besides, Tony wasn't planning on even mentioning the two of you being partners for the confrontation until after we had Parker fully on board." He said still trying to calm her down.

"AHA! SO THERE'S A CONFRONTATION!" Y/N exclaimed, realizing Happy had given away a bit of the secret.

"No!- I, damn it kid. That wasn't the point, look from now on, we'll let you know ahead of time what our plans are. So as of right now, Tony is planning on going over there himself and just straight up talking to the kid about it. Try to convince him, himself." Happy explained.

"Alright, thanks Happy." Y/N finished, finally calmed down.

"Ok kid, talk to you soon." He said ending the call.

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