Chapter 13: Flash of Jealousy

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Y/N walked along, with a confident bounce in her step.

She felt 10 times more at ease, having a plan in mind on how to go about being able to complete her mission, and still not have Peter hate her.

She walked along, waiting for him at the lamp post that they normally met at before walking together.

It wasn't long before she saw Peter walking in her direction, earbuds in his ear.

She smiled, giving him a wave.

Peter gave her half smile and a not very enthusiastic nod.

"About time Parker, I've been waiting for hourssss" she whined.

"Oh sorry, I uh-lost track of time" he said walking besides her.

The two of them made their way to school, going about their usual routine.

The school day went by quick for Y/N, but Peter, it felt longer than normal.

Peter, Y/N, and Ned were walking down the hallways, on there way to lunch.

"I don't know Ned, I just don't have the patience to put all the small pieces together, following step by step instructions. I'd rather just make my own thing" she said, playing with the small little LEGO character that Ned handed her.

"But the satisfaction of having built the whole thing when you're finished, is the best part" he said.

"I mean I'm not opposed to building one with you guys, I'm just saying it's not my first choice of time killers." She said handing it back to him.

"You'll see, it's just because you haven't made some sets before, right Peter?" Ned challenged.

Peter was quiet, seeming to not be paying attention to the conversation.

Y/N looked to him, "Peter?"

Peter snapped back out of his thoughts and looked at the both of them.

"huh? Oh yeah yeah, for sure" he responded, not seeming to really be invested in the conversation.

Both Y/N and Ned looked at each other, with a tad bit of concern in their faces.

Y/N sighed, "alright you two, I'm heading off"

"where are you going?" Peter quickly asked.

"I've got a few questions to ask my French teacher regarding my test, I'll see you after lunch" she said waving off and leaving the two of them to head to the cafeteria.

Peter watched as Y/N walked off, and disappeared into the sea of people.

Eventually Ned and Peter made their way to the usual lunch table.

Ned sat down and watched as Peter set down his tray, and began to eat.

"dude are you ok? You seem really off today," Ned questioned, not having touched his food yet.

Peter looked up at him, "yeah, I'm fine why?"

"I don't know dude," he said taking a bite out of a carrot stick.

"you've just been acting super weird lately, but mostly when Y/N's around"

Peter tensed up, "what? That's ridiculous, I haven't been acting we-"

"It's because he has a thing for her." A voice cut in.

Peter and Ned looked down the table to see MJ, the only other person who could have responded.

"what? I don't-"

"ohhhhhhhh it all makes sense now!" Ned cut in.

"Nonononono" Peter began defensively, "I don't like her- I mean I do! Just not in that way!"

"You totally do," MJ said shifting forward.

"You stare at her all the time, and every time she gets relatively close to you, you freeze up and get all red and stammering" she said nonchalantly.

"hm, you do tend to do that a lot" Ned added in.

"You Guys, I don't like Y/N like that. And besides, she has a boyfriend." Peter said looking at the two of them like they were crazy.

"so the only reason why you supposedly 'don't like her' is because she has a boyfriend?" MJ inquired, using air quotations.

Peter fell silent, MJ was probably right. If she didn't have a boyfriend, he wouldn't be so against his own feelings as much.

"That's completely off the point" Peter said avoiding the question.

"But you were the one who brought up the fact that she had a boyfriend" Ned pitched in.

Peter threw him a look.

"I'm just saying!" Ned said throwing his hands up in the air.

"Look, Y/N is just a really good friend ok?" He said taking a sip of his milk.

"Y/N huh?" He heard an annoying voice interrupt.

The three of them turned around to find Flash Thompson.

"Y/N one smoking hot babe, don't know why she always hangs around with Penis Parker" he said laughing at his own joke.

At this point, Flash got the attention of the whole cafeteria.

"Buzz off Flash" MJ said.

"I can't now, I gotta find out more about Peter's little crush on Y/N" Flash responded, in a teasing voice.

Peter frowned, "she has a boyfriend" he said, for what felt like the millionth time.

"oh so you're tryna steal girls from there boyfriends now Parker? I mean I can understand why, I'd hit that if I were you. Y/N is one hot piece of-"

Peter tackled Flash to the ground, and the whole cafeteria had gasped and instantly surrounded them.

"Don't talk about her that way!" He said, not having any trouble pinning him down at all.

Flash struggled to get up from his grasp.

Ned eventually was able to get Peter off of him.

"You're crazy Parker!" Flash screamed.

Ned and Peter walked off and left the cafeteria, to find some place else.

They took refuge in the boy's bathroom, a few hallways down from the cafeteria.

"Peter what happened over there?" Ned questioned.

"what?" Peter asked pacing around.

"you just attacked Flash" Ned said trying to figure out the reason behind Peter's sudden mood shift.

"he was talking about Y/N like she was piece of meat!" Peter exclaimed trying to justify himself.

Ned scoffed, "MJ was right."

"what?" He questioned again.

"don't lie dude, there's no point in hiding it anymore, but you really do like Y/N. Don't try to deny it because you literally just went psycho on Flash just now" He said.

Peter was quiet, he pressed himself against the wall and slid down slowly.

He sat down, resting his arms in his knees, rubbing his face.

"I do" he muttered softly, sounding defeated.

"Dude" is all Ned could think of to say.

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