Chapter 4: Headed Home

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After about an hour of figuring out how to get to her new apartment, Y/N rushed to her room and plopped herself down into her seat and swiveled across the room to her desk.

She pulled out her phone and dialed Happy's number.

She sat there waiting to get the usual voicemail beep, but to her luck, she was greeted with a "Hello?"

"HAPPY" she exclaimed, covering her mouth, realizing she was getting too excited.

"Where's Mr. Stark?" She asked with a quieter voice.

"He's in the middle of something right now, why? You know you're only supposed to call if it's something really important." He answered firmly.

"I'm half way done with the assignment." Y/N responded confidently.

Happy displayed a look that had, "yeah right" plastered all over his face.

"Oh really?" he continued.

"Yes Happy, whenever Stark is done, I need to update him on what I've found."

Happy chuckled to himself, "Kid, you're telling me that within the first day, you've already cracked half of your mission?" he said, suggesting that she was being cocky.

She frowned, "Happy, I'm not being full of it, I swear"

He laughed again, "alright kid, this had better be good."

She waited for a few minutes before the phone was finally passed on to Tony.

"Alright kid, talk to me" Tony greeted.

"Ok Mr. Stark, I've already attained Parker's phone number, and had an encounter with him as 'Spider-Man'" She said responded firmly.

"Great job kid, you work fast. So you've already found out that he's this so called 'Man Spider'?" he said pacing slowly around his office.

"Spider-Man" she corrected, "and yes, he saved me earlier today on my way home" she said.

"And you have proof that he is in fact him?" he asked once more.

She paused, realizing she didn't have any physical or logical evidence to give him.

She just "put two and two together"

The videos from youtube, the same exact statement he made about her being distracted, the voice. And overall she just had a gut feeling

"Uhm. Well, he had the exact same voice as Peter, and made the same remark he made to me in class." She said, trying really hard to sound convincing.

Tony pinched the bridge of his nose on the other line,

"You mean to tell me that you haven't physically seen him without the mask or suit on?" He questioned.

Y/N internally chuckled to herself at the thought of Parker without the mask or suit on, meaning nothing on, but immediately redirected her attention to the question.

"......Uhm.... Yes" She admitted, but was ready to present another point.

"Kid, I'm hanging up now" He said, then immediately following through.

Y/N sat in her chair in utter disbelief about what just happened.

She swiveled back, sighing in defeat.

This is going to take a while.

Not What I Signed Up For (Peter Parker X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ