Chapter 15: Change of Plans

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The school day ended like it normally did, Y/N and Peter walked back to the lamp post they normally met up at before going their separate ways.

Y/N found herself sitting in her room, dialing up Mr. Stark.

She sat on her bed, listening to it ringing, waiting for him to pick up.

She felt like these past few days, she and Stark have been constantly on the phone.

"Kid, talk to me." She heard him greet.

"Mr. Stark," Y/N began, getting up, beginning to pace around the room.

"I have a request for you and the plan for Parker's recruitment." Y/N continued.

"What kind of request?" he questioned.

"I know you mentioned something about Peter and I eventually becoming partners for a future assignment, but I would like to request that you don't tell him my actual identity." She finished.

A quizzical look ran across Tony's face.

"Why would you want that?" He questioned.

Y/N didn't really know how to answer that without making it seem like it was a personal problem.

"Er- I uhm. Ahem. Feel as though, if Parker were to find out my identity, with the way he's been acting towards me currently. It would hinder the quality and performance level of our success. I just don't want the friendship Peter and I have to get in the way of us accomplishing our mission. I've been through experiences like this, knowing I'd have to remain professional, but Peter's never done this sort of thing before. So if he knew it were me, someone he's comfortable with, he might not fulfill his full potential." She lied, on the spot.

Y/N became extremely nervous, waiting for Mr. Stark to begin telling her how it was ridiculous.

"I see, alright. I understand, ok we can do that." He responded bluntly.

Y/N's eyes popped open, "really??? I mean uhm- thank you Mr. Stark." She said maintaining herself.

"Sure thing kid, is that all?" He asked.

"Yes sir." she responded.

"alright then, I'll be flying in tomorrow to give this kid a personal invitation. I'll update you on the results." He said before hanging up.

Y/N sighed before plopping on to her bed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

She got up from her bed and opened her bedroom closet.

She reached back to the back of her closet, and pulled out a hanger with a dress coat cover on it.

She changed into the outfit, which appeared to be the suit she wore during missions.

Initially her "super hero suit."

It wasn't much, considering she only used it every once in a while.

It was just a light grey body suit, with some silver accents, and a hood.

She pulled up the hood and looked in the mirror, she frowned at how it didn't conceal her face.

"If I'm going to make sure that Parker doesn't find out it's me, I'm really going to be in need of a new suit." She said smirking, getting excited for remodeling her suit.

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