Chapter 18: Mission 1 (Part 1)

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Y/N looked in the bathroom mirror.

She was finally wearing her new suit.

It was similar to the old one, but way more advanced, brand new, and actually had a mask that covered the lower half of her face, and she had goggles for the top half.

She was unrecognizable as Y/N, and was otherwise known as "Blue Glass."

She pulled up her mask, and let her goggles rest on her forehead.

She heard 3 knocks on the door, queuing her that the mission was about to start.

She exited the plane bathroom and went to her designated location.

Mr. Stark had assigned Y/N to come in later on, after the fighting has already begun. Kind of like a part 2, to his plan.

Y/N didn't know that much of a background behind the mission, just that he was butting heads with Steve Rogers.

Tony believes he's wrong, but obviously Cap think's his opinion is correct.

Y/N didn't feel like it was really her place to question his motives behind his decisions.

She just knew that Cap and Tony were having a "fight"

Y/N crouched in her spot, secluded from the rest of everyone.

Tony had told Y/N about what Peter would be doing, but not the other way around.

Hell, Y/N and Peter haven't even been formally introduced to one another as Blue Glass and Spiderman.

So Peter doesn't even know she's here.

Y/N drew her attention to the sound of 2 loud thuds.

She observed Mr. Stark and Rhodes fly into the scene.

"Wow its so weird how you run into people at the airport," Stark began, then looking to Rhodes, "Don't you think that's weird?" He asked, his suit revealing his face.

"definitely weird," he responded.

Y/N watched as they continued to converse and try to persuade one another on their perspectives.

Next thing you know, Black Panther joined, then Black Widow.

Y/N waited patiently for her queue to join,

"UNDEROOS" she heard Tony yell.

She knew that that's when Peter would step in.

Quite frankly, she was pretty excited to see Peter in action up close. Like aside from how he is as "Peter Parker," Midtown High student, shy awkward, nerdy kid.

She observed as Peter swung into the scene, shooting a web at Captain's shield, retrieving it, and sticking the landing dramatically.

heh. Show off.

"Nice job kid." Tony commented

"Thanks! Well I could have stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit- Uh, it's nothing Mr. Stark, it-it's perfect. Thank you-" He began.

"Yeah we don't really need to start a conversation," Tony interrupted

Oh my god Parkerrrrrrrr

Y/N had a look of "wtf?" under her mask, as she watched her friend beam in amateurism and unprofessionalism.

She proceeded to watch as he began to introduce himself to the opposing team.

Oh godddd I cannottttt

Y/N tried to conceal her laughter, and remain unseen.

The humor was then ended by more of Tony and Steve bickering, but was then followed up by Captain raising his hands, as an arrow flew through Peter's webs, releasing him.

"Hey guys, something-AH" Peter began, but was interrupted by the growth of a mysterious armed man, who was about the size of a pea, grow into a full sized man.

He kicked Peter in the face, retrieving Cap's shield and returning it to him.

Y/N felt herself instinctively get up, at the sight of Peter getting attacked.

But she remembered that she was given specific instructions, and lowered herself back into position.

Tony had flown off to the terminal, Black Panther had headed for Barnes.

The fight was just beginning, but Y/N had to wait for Mr. Stark's signal.

"Hey Mr. Stark? What should I do?" she heard Peter's voice in the built in communication system of her suit.

"What we discussed. Keep your distance. Web 'em up." He responded.

"Okay, copy that!" he said, into a running start, shooting webs and heading off.

ughhhh I hate this waiting.

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