Chapter 17: Progress

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Peter and Y/N made their way to Midtown, ready to face all of the shit they were set up to take.

They walked down the hallways, and at times had Ned in the middle of them, so they didn't always get stared at.

And the day was a lot easier for Peter than it would have been if Y/N was upset with him, like he imagined she would be.

Besides the stares and few comments, which both Y/N and Peter ignored, lunch was fine.

Although Flash did try to make his way over to their table to make some more remarks.

But Y/N saw him, and stood up with the nastiest death glare ever, and Flash turned the other direction.

It was already the end of the school day, and Peter and Y/N were on their way back from school.

Y/N began to think about how she knew that Tony was back at Peter's place already, waiting to say god knows what to him.

"so, uh. Next week, the presentation" Y/N said trying to conceal her nerves.

"Yeah, it'll be great don't worry, I promise nothing is wrong with it." Peter laughed.

"haha alright." She said looking down, realizing they were at the lamp post.

"alright, we'll just uhm. I'll uh. See you tomorrow then!" She said just turning around and walking off to her apartment.

real smooth Y/N

She fast walked to her apartment, leaving Peter a bit confused.

She made her way to her room and slammed the door shut.

"PHEW" she let exclaimed, resting her head on the door.

Now all she had to do was sit and wait for Mr. Stark to talk to Peter for a bit, and then talk to both of them separately, see how things are, and then go from there.

This was honestly building up anxiety in Y/N all day today, and now it was finally here.

She had no idea what was going on over there, and she had to find some way to make the time pass by quicker.

At that second, her phone vibrated.

She opened it up to find a text from Alex.

Y/N smiled opening up the text.

Just wanted to let you know that I miss you a whole lot right now <3

Her cheeks turned red and she felt her heart flutter a bit.

Oh how she loved and missed this boy.

She turned her attention to her phone and spent the next few hours chatting with him.

Y/N had been on the phone with Alex for a while, and lost track of time quite frankly.

Her phone call was interrupted by a second call, caller id, unknown.

"Hang on love, let me call you back here in a second, my manager is calling me." Y/N said to Alex, a concerned look across her face.

"Alrighty baby, don't worry, it's going to be ok." He said, before she put him on hold and switched lines.

"Mr. Stark?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"Kid," Stark began, as he took a long pause in between.

Every second of that pause had killed her until he finally said,

"mission accomplished" He finished, hearing Y/N blow out a big sigh of relief on the other end.

"Oh thank god." she said landing on her bed.

She sat back up, rubbing her forehead with her thumb and pointer finger.

"So what do I need to know?" she asked.

"Well, it would have been incredibly nice to know that the kid had a super hot aunt, thanks a lot" He began, a quizzical look coming upon her face.

"UHM-" She began, but was Tony proceeded and cut her off.

"He's probably going to need a new suit upgrade. As will you, if you're planning on keeping your identity hidden from him." He said, while she looked to her torn up jump suit hanging in her closet.

"He still had no idea that we have any association whatsoever. And doesn't know that you'll be joining us until later on" He continued.

"as I would like to keep it that way." she cut in

"And he's going to be joining us on our next assignment, you will be officially meeting him as the new and improved Spiderman this weekend." He finished.

"Our-next assignment?" she began, getting confused, referring to the three of them.

"Yes, that's what I said." he responded with a bit of sass in his tone.

"And that assignment would be?" Y/N attempted.

"Germany." Tony ended.

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