Chapter 6: Lab Project

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"Y/N!" Peter began.

"HM?" she responded quickly, snapping back to reality.

"we've got to work on the lab project" Peter laughed, pointing to the sheet of paper with his pencil.

On Y/N's first day at Midland, she and Peter inevitably became lab partners. They were given a partner project, and were spending time after school to work on it.

"Pete, we've been working on this for hourrrsssss, we should take a break." she whined, throwing herself on the bed they were working on.

Peter laughed at his friend and put his pencil down in defeat.

"alright, alright fine." he said

She smiled, snuggling herself in her position and closed her eyes for a moment.

Peter couldn't help but examine her features while she did this.

He spent a bit of time, easing his curiosity, before she opened up her eyes, to look at him

He quickly looked away, pretending he was looking out his window.

"what do you wanna do now Pete?" she said facing him. He was sitting down so she had to look somewhat up.

"Uhm, May left some takeout in the kitchen for us if you want." He said trying to recover from almost being caught.

"excellent" she responded, swinging herself up.

Y/N and Peter found themselves on the roof top of his apartment complex, enjoying some takeout, enjoying the scenery.

"So what's it like in Tallahassee?" Peter asked.

Shit, I've only been there a few times to visit with family. I've never actually lived in Florida before.

"It's uhm, you know. You've got the beach, the sand, haha... the ocean." she said stuffing her mouth.

He nodded, not really picking up on her lack of description.

"You've been here for what?" He asked.

"A month, as of today actually" she responded.

"Do you miss it?" he questioned again.

She thought about her answer genuinely before she answered.

She did. She missed her parents, her boyfriend, her friends. But this was also the first time she was really out living on her own. Granted, all of her means of survival financially were provided by Mr. Stark, but it felt like her first actual opportunity at living as an independent adult. She was only 16, but still.

"Yeah." she smiled, staring out into the city view.

Peter noticed her dismay.

That bit of curiosity in him sparked again, enough to push him to asking his next question.

"Do you... miss your boyfriend?" He asked cautiously.

She was taken back a bit, recalling the whole 'you should just date Y/N' incident.

holy shit, why's he asking me that? could Parker have a thing for me after what happened? Nah, I'm just overthinking this like I always do. Besides, he was so against the idea of it before, when he got all defensive about it. He's just making casual conversation.

"Yeah, a lot actually. But he and I facetime several times during the week. It's not the same as seeing each other in person, but its better than nothing." She said honestly.

Peter nodded understandingly, and quite frankly a bit disappointedly too. He didn't understand why he was disappointed though, because he knew he liked Liz. So he didn't think a whole lot of it.

"How long have you two been together?" he asked, just trying to make conversation.

"Almost a year now actually," she smiled, thinking about Alex.

"Oh wow, that's great." he responded automatically.

At that time, Y/N noticed his declining interest in her responses.

"what about Liz? How long have you liked her?" she asked.

Peter snapped back into reality with the conversation

"Uhm..." he said thinking about it, "for some time now"

She nodded, not really wanting to continue the conversation, due to the chances of the conversation leading to the incident.

"So!" she clapped, trying to liven up the conversation, "what does Peter Parker like to do on his free time?" sounding playfully investigative.

"We've only been friends for a month now, so you're still quite the mystery to me." she said scooting closer to face him, waiting for his response eagerly.

"Uhhhhhh." Peter thought for a second about how in reality, he goes around town slinging webs to save people, trying to come up with new formulas for better web shooters. But obviously he couldn't tell Y/N that.

"Hang out with Ned, homework, yknow? the usual- k-kinds of things..." he said, being very obvious of his uncertainty.

Y/N picked up on that, but didn't pursue it.

She felt like she was better off trying to take the route of gaining his trust and trying to see if he would tell her.

"ah yes, you, Ned, and your endless time building Lego playsets." she teased.

Peter smiled, "hey, hey, hey, it's not a 'play set'" he defended, feeling better that she lightened up the mood.

"Yeah? Then what is it?" She challenged with a smirk.

For the next hour, Peter and Y/N conversed for the next hour. Getting to know each other, learning about each others families, and goals in life. The whole shabang of conversations.

Y/N was in the middle of a fit of laughter, after Peter had told her about his relationship to Flash.

But that laughter was soon caught off by the sound of police sirens blaring in the streets beneath them.

This immediately caught both of their attention.

"Uh oh, what's happening?" Y/N said peering over the roof top, into the street.

Both of them followed the cars with their eyes, until it was nowhere to be seen.

"Uhm, oh wow. It's getting pretty late Y/N, we should probably call it a night. We can finish it up tomorrow" he said getting up quickly, seeming to be in a rush.

Where's this kid headed off to in such a hurry?

"Peter, the project is due tomorrow, we're not going to have time to finish it before the period starts" she laughed.

Peter grabbed her by the hand and started directing her towards the inside of the building.

"I'll just finish the rest of it tonight, I'll finish up your part too" He said as they made their way back into his apartment.

He's going off to go see where all the trouble is.

Y/N felt it was best to cooperate, and then she would follow him on his way out.

"Ok Pete if you say so" she said picking up her stuff and heading out.

Peter hurriedly guided her out of his apartment.

She turned to face him, to say goodbye, just to see how he's react to not getting to lave right away.

"alright," she sighed, "i'll see you tomorrow then"

"yeah, yeah. Tomorrow" he said, continuously eying out of the window.

Y/N made her way out of the building, but stayed back in an alley for a bit, waiting to see what Parker's next move was.

It wasn't long, before she saw a figure in red and blue, fling themselves off of the roof of Peter's apartment building, and into the direction of the police cars.

Perfect. Looks like I've got my evidence waiting for me.

Not What I Signed Up For (Peter Parker X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon