Chapter 12: Facing the Facts

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The night ended with Y/N and Peter just talking a bit more before parting ways again.

Y/N's night ended with more confusion and guilt.

She facetimed Alex, who didn't seem to pick up on her odd behavior. He was also in one of his "moods" so the hour sort of defeated the purpose.

The next morning Y/N woke up, a pang of guilt slapping her in the face.

She felt horrible about the way she used Peter to complete her mission.

But that was the thing, Peter was her mission.

Confirming Peter's identity as Spider-Man and trying to persuade him to accept Stark's offer was her mission.

The part that scared her the most was that he was eventually going to find out.

Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose and scrunched up her face, overwhelmed by all of this emotion.

Maybe there would be a way that Y/N could stop Peter from finding out that it was her?

No that's impossible, Mr. Stark already said that he was planning on having the two of them team up for the next mission.


Y/N bolted up from her bed, feeling a genius plan hit her.

This is a risky way, but it might just work.

Whilst Y/N was spending her morning formulating an idea that might save her and Peter's friendship, Peter was going on about his normal routine of getting ready for school.

His mind was of course conflicted by the events of last night.

That is, Peter's second encounter with Y/N as Spiderman.

He had unconsciously been replaying moments from it, over and over again in his head.

Peter was confused.

About the Stark Internship, and where he stands with it, but one other thing along with it.


Peter's thoughts about Y/N had fluctuated greatly within the last week and a half, and he didn't understand why.

It was a given that he didn't feel this conflicted, when Y/N still acted like her shy, antisocial, and closed-in self, around him when they first met.

But progressively, she started to really show her true colors.

She became more and more comfortable around him, more confident even.

Him and Y/N have had their fair share of deep conversations, and overall he just felt like he could really trust her.

Granted, every time he'd face a scenario where she'd get a bit touchy, or sat a bit closer to him than normal, he'd redden up like a strawberry. But even so, it didn't stop him from feeling like she was one of his closest friends.

She was the one person he felt like could share his secret with.

With or without the suit, everything just felt so natural with her.

Peter furrowed his eyebrows at his own thoughts.

She has a boyfriend. Peter she has a boyfriend. A guy she's spent almost a year of her life with. You can't just swoop in and ruin that. You know how much she loves and cares about him.

Peter thought about the several times Y/N would rant to him about how frustrated she was, with all the effort that she puts in with Alex, after the move, and how it felt as though she didn't receive the same amount back.

She deserved a lot better.

Peter shook his head slightly, trying to shake off the feelings he had.

Peter's eyes then widened, with a moment of self realization.

Did Peter like Y/N?

No of course he didn't, she's just a really good friend. Besides, he likes Liz.

Peter tried his best to convince himself that he didn't have any conflicting feelings towards her.

But he knew he was just shoving those curiosities away.

Because in the end it didn't really matter, she was with someone else.

Peter's thoughts were interrupted by Aunt May calling him down, reminding him that he was going to be late for school.

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