Chapter 19: Mission 1 (Part 2)

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Y/N sat there waiting patiently for her to remember that she existed.

She knew that Stark really wanted her to, more than anything, team up with Parker and help the kid out here and there.

This was after all, probably first serious fight, involving other heroes.

Wait, scratch that- this definitely was Peter's first serious fight, given all of the small talk he was making in between battle.

As soon as Peter had gotten far enough away, she crept slowly, keeping her distance.

But also remaining close by, waiting for Stark's signal.

She watched as Peter made his way to one of the terminals.

"Keep close to him kid" She heard Mr. Stark say to her through her suit's communication system.

"Got it." Y/N responded, gripping her fists, beginning to hover a few feet off the ground.

Not high enough to be seen, but enough to get her to fly past everyone.

She made her way carefully, falling behind Peter.

She watched through the glass, as he crashed into the building, now fighting off Falcon and Bucky.

"You have a metal arm???" Peter exclaimed, stopping Bucky's punch

"that is awesome dude!" He continued, before being swept away by Falcon, and eventually escaping his grasp.

This was absolute torture for Y/N, she couldn't do anything until Stark gave her the go.

She watched as Peter fought off the both of them, and frankly he was doing fine on his own.

"Kid, small change of plans, I'm gonna need back up over here." She heard Tony's voice again.

She popped up, immediately flying over to his location, abandoning the scene where Peter was.

Y/N, now no longer concealing her presence, soared over, now flying side by side with Tony.

"We need to try and stop Maximoff." He said, pointing to Clint and Wanda, who were now running off.

She nodded, the two of them flying over into their direction.

Tony launched quite a few missiles, hitting the surrounding areas, creating enough damage to corner them.

Y/N had landed on the ground, a few feet in front of them.

She swiped her hand up, creating a long, wall of a clear barrier, in front of them and the direction they were going in.

The two of them stopped running, unable to get around the forcefield wall.

Mr. Stark flew in, aiming his hand at them, but not shooting.

"Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings" He began

"You locked me in my room," She replied hastily.

"Ok first, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you." He defended.

Y/N looked over to Clint, finally feeling weird, fighting against one of the men she's worked with.

He looked over to Y/N, making solid eye contact.

She looked down, feeling somewhat awkward about the position they were both in.

"Hey Clint." Tony began, still hovering and aiming at them.

"Hey man," he responded. He turned his attention to Y/N, "Hey kid."

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