Chapter 16: The Truth

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It was Friday morning.

Peter woke up with an pang of embarrassment on his chest, remembering what he did yesterday.

He rubbed his eyes, groaning, as he snuggled back into bed and threw the blanket over him.

Why did I do that? Now the whole school knows I have a thing for her, and they think I'm some girlfriend stealing asshole. And now she's probably going to find out somehow

Peter grabbed his phone and shut off the alarm.

To his surprise he woke up to a spam of texts from Ned, linked to an Instagram page.

Dude you have to see this....

Peter clicked on the link and it opened up to a post of a video of Flash. He swiped to the next picture and it was of him and Y/N holding hands?

Peter's heart dropped, and he shot up.

He clicked on the video, "Hey Guys, it's your favorite guy, Flash. I'm back here with the latest tea of Midtown High."

"No,no,no,no" Peter said grabbing his hair in panic

"None other than Penis Parker, is out here trying to steal other people's girlfriends."

"AHHHHH" Peter screamed in horror as he face planted into his pillow.

"Exhibit A, with Y/N L/N who Parker claims already has a boyfriend, but in this next photo, the two of them are holding hands."

Peter continued to have a fit in his bed as the video continued.

The rest of the video explained how the fight had happened.

Peter was overtaken by really not wanting to go to school.

"oh my god... Y/N!" Peter exclaimed.

He switched to messages and immediately began to text Y/N.

Y/N whatever you've heard about what happened yesterday, I can explain, just meet me at the usual spot like we usually do and I'll explain everything!

Peter hopped out of bed and sprang to get ready and meet her.

Meanwhile, Y/N was going about her morning calmly, she had just finished getting ready.

She had spent that morning thinking about finally being able to tell Peter he knew his secret.

Well, not exactly.

Using her hero identity she would, but not as Y/N.

She imagined that their friendship would be just as great even if she was in costume, so she didn't worry a whole lot.

Y/N felt her phone vibrate, and she pulled it out, realizing it was text from Peter.

She read the message, a dumbfounded look sprawling across her face.

What the hell?

Y/N felt a small surge of anxiety reading those words.

She put her phone away instantly and headed out of her apartment to meet Peter.

A thousand thoughts ran through her head, all 100 trillion possibilities.

She sped walked down the stairs and out the door.

Really she was afraid it had something to do with Mr. Stark and the whole mission thing.

She didnt know what to feel.

By the way it sounded, it seemed like Peter had done something, so she should be mad?

She tried to stop thinking too much about it until she got there.

Obviously it wasn't the easiest thing to do, but her panic was slowly eased when she saw Peter twiddling his thumbs at the lamp post.

"Hey" she said taking a breath of air, tired from walking so fast.

"I just got you're text, what's up? Is everything ok?" She asked trying to seem more concerned.

"Uhm....." Peter began, which only worried her more.

"Ok, so. That fight that happened yesterday...." Peter continued, trying to get it all out at once.

"yeah?" Y/N responded crossing her arms.

"that was me. Flash was talking about you disrespectfully, and I just felt like I needed to shut him up because he wouldn't stop. And now the whole school has pictures of you and me holding hands whenever I dragged you out of the cafeteria yesterday, and everyone thinks that I'm trying to steal you away from your boyfriend...." Peter and all in one quick breath, shutting his eyes at the last part.

He peeked open one eye to see what Y/N's reaction was, and to his surprise, she wasn't upset.

She seemed kind of confused, and took a minute to process and understand it, but she didn't seem to be engulfed with rage like he expected her to be.

She only laughed, "Peter, I don't care" she said uncrossing her arms, planting her hands on her hips.

He opened both eyes, "y-you don't?" He said extremely confused.

"No. Pete, those are just rumors, they aren't true. You and I and my boyfriend know the truth. And I'm honestly flattered that you defended my honor. It's not like Alex is gonna see this, since he doesn't really follow anyone at Midtown, so he'll obviously believe my word over theirs" she said rubbing his back comfortingly.

Peter untensed and felt a weight lifted from his chest.

"Phew.... I thought I was going to die today..." he said bending over resting a hand on his knee.

"Yeah, I know I know." She said continuing to comfort him.

"We might get shit at school, but it doesn't matter, you and I both know the truth about how we feel. That's all that matters" she said.

Peter's heart dropped, remembering the conversation he had with Ned.

"yeah....the truth..."

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