Sign 11 The Whale Inside Me

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Edgar paddled in the dark until he reached the rift and saw Cyril standing there on his bicycle, looking at the ocean. He was dressed in a satin shirt and denim shorts. He looked at him, "YO MATE!"
Cyril turned and looked at him,

"Where's Skyler?" Cyril asked as Edgar reached the rift.
"He didn't come cuz you did not invite him? Duh!" Edgar shrugged his shoulders.
"Oh God, I thought you'd bring him along,"
"What? You never told me to,"
"Christ!" He got on his bicycle and Edgar took a u-turn on his bicycle, "Skyler's garage?"
"Where else would we go,"

They began paddling and warm air left their mouths, posing the cold surrounding them, "It's getting cold,"
"It's almost June after all. We should start wearing jackets,"
They chatted a bit as they paddled, "Skyler was a bit upset because you didn't text him,"
"I figured. Look, it wasn't like I did it on purpose. There's just a lot going inside my head at the moment,"

"Like what?"
"You don't want to tell us?"
"It's not like I don't want to tell, I just can't formulate it very well," Cyril continued paddling as the sound of waves and the ocean surrounded them in the dark, "Did you ever feel some sort of connection with the ocean? Like, there's something living inside of you that belongs to the ocean, but it can't get out,"

"No. And hopefully, I never feel that,"
"Why? It would be so cool,"
"It would be haunting to know that something is living inside of me, Cyril. Something alive,"  They moved away from the ocean, into the streets, "Cyril-"
"Oh look, Skyler's place is here,"

"Let's surprise him!" Edgar whispered and went ahead. Cyril stayed back and pressed his neck, trying to feel the whale on his back. 

They parked the bicycle under the tree and walked into the garage, "So, how is it going?"
Skyler was sleeping on the couch. He opened his eyes, only to squint at Cyril, "What are you doing here?"
"Just came to hang out,"
Skyler got up, "Cool. You wanna play some video games?"
"Sure, let's play,"

Skyler and Cyril sat on the floor, playing some games on a console, while Edgar slept on the couch behind them. Packets of chips and old drink cans lay on the floor. Skyler covered a blanket over Edgar as he slept while Cyril looked at his microscope, "What are you studying now?"
Skyler looked at him, "It's for my desecration,"
"Oh, I need to start with my research too!"

Cyril pressed his hands over the notebook, which read, "The History of Whales and whale culture"
"Whale culture?" He scoffed.
"Yes, whales have rich cultures like humans. Singing competitions, dialects, food preferences,"
"Really? Wow, that's so cool...So, you're studying whales?"

"Yes, for my research. I'm collecting certain samples from various ritual sites of whales,"
Cyril looked at him, "I don't think that is somewhere humans should interfere,"

Skyler sighed, "So, what is it?"
"What do you mean?"
"What are you hiding from me, Cyril?"
Cyril wanted to refuse but he also wanted someone to know, "Yes, I have been meaning to tell you..."

"I KNEW YOU WERE HIDING SOMETHING!" Edgar woke up and threw the blanket aside, "YOU'RE PREGNANT!"
"Am I right or am I right?"

"I think...There's a whale inside me," Cyril looked at them. They looked at him and finally, Edgar burst into a laughing fit, "He's on crack!"
"I'm not! It's true!"
Skyler didn't laugh, "Why do you think there's a whale inside you?"
"Because I saw it! I just puked itself out of my...mouth..." Cyril stopped, "Hang on, is that how I take it out?!" 

He ran into the bathroom and they ran after him. He shoved two fingers down his throat and forcefully puked out the chips he had eaten a while back. 
"He's got a good gag reflex," Edgar chuckled and Skyler tucked his stomach, "Cyril, whatever you're doing, it's obviously not working,"
"I KNOW!" He punched the toilet seat, "I don't know how to bring it out,"

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