(15)The Serenade

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Hey guys. Here is chapter 15. I hope you like it. I feel bad for not updating when I said so here are two updates. I WILL NOT BE POSTING THE NEXT CHAPTER UNTIL I HAVE AT LEAST 25 COMMENTS AND 35 VOTES. I know, I'm a major bleeping biyatch for that but as I said before it gives me time to set a deadline for myself and also inform me on how many readers I do have. I believe most of you are silent readers which I'm thankful you read BUT I would like some feedback!. This is a longer chapter because I felt like crap for chapter 144 filter chap.

Enjoy the banner on the side made by the lovely belle-rose.






The Serenade

Leigh didn't know how to handle the situation at hand. She admitted to understanding Jason more and being more sympathetic to his ways, but she never agreed to try and make a real relationship out of a relationship they had forged upon lies. She didn't understand why he was putting her --or himself for that matter-- through such torture.

There was no possible way that they could actually be in a real relationship and for it to last, right? Jason was a play boy, stuck in his ways and prone to lash out and do something spiteful whenever he didn't get his way. Leigh was never the one to say 'how high' when demanded to jump. Everything was bound to blow up in their faces with her stubborn, strong-willed qualities, and his spoiled, dominant demeanor. That was pure logic.

 They had been driving for almost an hour and a half in awkward silence. Not even the radio or the comfortable Porsche car seats could loosen the tension. Leigh had noticed that they had long left the town, approaching what appeared to be the Dessert Mountains. 

There hadn't been a building for miles, and when one finally did appear, Leigh perked up at the site of it. The sun was starting to set, creating an orange glow around the horizon. The building was box shaped, with a tall, large fence surrounding it and stretching out as far as the eye could see. There were a few cars in the parking lot, but other than that it was utterly quiet. Above the front entrance was a welcome sign along with the words Paint Cave.

Leigh was curious; she didn't know what this place was. She was sure that Jason hadn't taken her to an art exhibit, but she just couldn't place the title with the building. Jason gave her a boyish grin before parking the car, stepping out of the driver's side and going to her side to open the door. He offered his hand to her, and she took it hesitantly. Following behind him, she watched as he entered the door.

The inside of the building was dark, with long rows of class containers. The containers seemed to have weapons in them, mostly guns. Unconsciously, Leigh clung closer to Jason. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see people walking around in some sort of dark armor. They had on saggy pants with bulky shirts and what seemed to be a chest protector vests. Something of that nature.

 "What is this place?" Leigh asked finally.

"A paintball shooting range," he answered. "We are going to have ourselves a paintball fight." Leigh's eyes widened as she let go of his hand and began to back away.

"No way," she said slowly. "Absolutely not." Jason gave her a teasing look.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Chicken?" Leigh scoffed, tossing her head back in a laugh as she thought on what he was insinuating.

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