(7)Dangerous News

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Hey guys here is chapter seven! This chapter us super shortt and sorry for being super late but I guess I was blocked due to the fact that dummy here [ME] always overwhelms herself by writing multiple books at the same time. SMH, I'm also trying to complete a Werewolf book of mine and my Christmas story by January so I've been brainstorming the hell out of those books. AND my computer had a bloody virus that I'm just now eliminating! Grr, anyway  Hope you






Dangerous News

Leigh couldn't help but to smirk as the words seemed to flow through her fingertips and onto the computer document. She had no idea how easy it would be to write about the views of sex from a different perspective. She didn't want to admit it, and she would never say it aloud, but Jason made her body feel things. His touch sent a blaze to her skin that made her insides melt into a broth. She sighed heavily, looking over her draft with careful eyes. She had decided on the title, A single Glance. She had no idea where it came from, but, it just felt right. After all, it was the look in Jason's eyes that sent her heart thudding uncontrollably. His single glance had her bending to his will, and if it wasn't for the fact that she was embarrassed, she would have shouted it from the rooftops.

Closing her eyes, she couldn't help but to think that everything seemed better this morning. The sun streamed through the veil curtains and gave the rather dark room a warm glow. The smell of wonderfully cooked breakfast traveled up the stairs and through the cracks of the doors just to invade her nose. A small grin seemed to never leave her lips, and she found herself sighing blissfully every now and then. She hated to think that it was all because of Jason relieving her of her stress last night, but if that was the case then she wasn't going to fight the feeling. She hadn't woken up feeling so good in what seemed to be ages.

"Feeling inspired this morning?" Jason asked from behind her. She whipped around in her chair almost instantly, taking in a discreet breath at what was in front of her. His torso was bare, with tiny beads of water dripping from her black hair. A white towel was wrapped around his waist, tied tightly yet emphasizing his chiseled V-cut shape. His plush lips were curved to the side in a lopsided grin as he held two mugs of coffee in his hand. Leigh grabbed a mug quickly, diverting her eyes from his body and forcing them to stare blankly inside of the cup.

"I had to start writing eventually," she stated nonchalantly. "Class is tomorrow and my professor was clear on the deadlines." He nodded his head slowly, taking a seat at the edge of his own bed. 

"Well, did I help any?" The question had Leigh choking on her coffee as her eyes bulged. Clearing her throat in an unladylike manner, she closed her laptop and stood up from the desk. 

"I suppose you did," she finally said after recollecting her composure. "I'm not as lost with the assignment as I was before."

"Don't you think we should talk about last night?" he asked, quirking his head to the side as if he was examining her. Her cheeks flushed red, and she discreetly made a heap of blonde tresses fall into her face to disguise her embarrassment.

"What about it?" she asked her voice void of any emotion. What was he going to say? That it was a mistake or worse that he didn't like it and thought she was pathetic? The last thing she needed was for Jason McFarroll to make fun of her. She'd probably slam her fist across his face again if that ever happened.

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