(5)Green Bug

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Hey guys! I kind of wanted to throw in a light chapter before I hit you with all the drama that this book will become. I hope you enjoy it!!!

P.S. I want to thank all of you who have selected my book and has continued to read it. I'm going to start doing dedications!!






Green Bug

She hadn't seen Jason in damn near a whole week.

Leigh couldn't help but think this as she wiped the sweat from her brow and pushed herself further. Her thighs burned with an inferno like no other, and her heart hammered heavy in her chest as she finalized her endurance run by going up the slope that lead to the McFarroll house. She had never run so much, but, she liked it. She liked the sound her feet would make as it cascaded down onto the asphalt. She even liked the way her breaths sounded as they were forced out of her lungs and into the atmosphere. She came to a halt when she got to the front door, her body hunching over and her hands resting themselves on her knees.

She had started running every day to take her mind off of things; but, the truth was, every time she was greeted with the site of the McFarroll mansion- her feelings would creep back to the surface- and it pissed her off completely. She had agreed to help Jason if he helped her, and so far he wasn't keeping up the end of his deal. Her word document page was still blank, and to make matters worse, she had her checkup class in only a few days. She would often sit at the great oak desk with her laptop in front of her in hopes that anything would come to her; but, she was always left disappointed. Not to mention that Jason had went away shortly after their agreement, and she hadn't seen him since.

The feeling was bittersweet.

She never wanted to actually share a room with him, but now she was in his room by herself and reminded of him every second. His musky smell lingered in the air, on the sheets, and now on her skin. She often found herself fantasizing about him, her mind getting so cloudy that she didn't even realize that her own hands were beginning to linger down south and fiddle with her hot spots. She felt pathetic if not anything else. She had been masturbating, pleasuring herself to the thought of Jason, and he was probably out screwing every Jane Doe there ever was. Leigh shook her head, making her way to the elevator and up to the attic floor. Looking at the bouquet of red roses at the end of the night table, she sighed.

Every day he was gone, Jason would send her a bouquet of flowers. Each bouquet came with a short quote written on the small card that was always placed beside it. Yesterday's quote was a well-known one: Absence makes the heart grow fonder. She walked over to the flowers and picked up the card, reading over the words scribbled on it in a chunky cursive. She frowned deeply, rereading the words.

I want you to yearn for me, just like I yearn for you.

The words made her stomach do a backflip, and she bit her lower lip to suppress the soft moan that would escape. She hated being here. This place was making her go gaga over Jason. The last thing she actually wanted was to fall in love with her fake fiancé. But, she knew it wasn't love that she was feeling. It was the kiss that she sealed the deal with. It was feverishly hot and made all hairs on her body stand in attention. Granted it was a mere peck - she refused to give him anything more - but it was enough to have her drooling on his silk pillowcases as dreams of him invaded her subconciousness. She shook her head slowly, putting down the card and picking up one of the roses. She swayed it under her nose and inhaled deeply. Leigh wasn't one to pay close attention to nature, but even she had to notice how beautiful the roses were. Dropping it back inside of the vase, she grabbed a towel and made her way to the restroom. She needed to clear her head and calm her hormones down. A cold shower was indeed needed.

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