Chapter 22: Winter Formal.

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She went to meet the rest of her friends, who had also just arrived. She said hi to Stiles and Lydia and they waited for Jackson and Allison, who were walking towards them.
-Jackson. -Lydia started. -You look handsome.
-Obviously. It's Hugo Boss. -He answered.
-Are you seriously already drinking, Jackson? -Carol asked, disapoitend.
He shrugged and walked away.
-I don't care, I don't want compliments, I will not fall prey to society's desire to turn girls into emotionally insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark. -Lydia said to herself.
-You slay it, queen! -Carol encouraged.
-Well, I think you look beaitiful. -Stiles told her and her her eyes lightened.
-Really? -Lydia couldn't hide the hope in her voice. Stiles offered her his arm and she took it. While they walked to the school building, he looked behind him to see Carol with a huge smile and giving him a thumbs up.
The place was really beautiful, and the music was nice. Carolinne felt like dancing, but she was a terrible dancer, so she stood there for a little while, hoping to see Scott somewhere, staring proudly as Stiles convinced Lydia to go dance with him, and wondering what on Earth she shoud do next until two friends came to her rescue.
-Are you seriously going to stand still all night? -Beatrice asked her.
-It's the plan.
-Oh, come on! -Both Bea and Daisy complained at the same time.
-Girls, you know I can't dance.
-Who cares? -Daisy tried.
-I care. It's social suicide.
She sighed and Beatrice questioned:
-Did you come alone?
-Uh, no, I came with a friend actually, but he can't be here, so he had to sneak in.
-You mean, Scott McCall?
-Isn't it him over there? -Daisy pointed at the bleachers.
-Yes, it's him!
-He looks worried.
-That's because he wasn't allowed to come.
-Showing up here took some guts...
-And things are about to get interesting, because Coach has just seen him.
The girls turned arround and saw Coach looking at Scott with wide eyes.
-McCall! I see you! -He started moving is Scott's direction. -Come here, buddy.
Scott started running as Coach pushed his way through the crowd. The girls couldn't stop laughing at the scene:
-Now that's interesting to watch! -Carol comented.
-They look like Tom and Jerry. -Bea added and they all laughed.
-You girls are so mean! -Daisy told them, but she was also laughing.
Scott eventually stopped close to where they were and he appeared to be arguing with Danny about something, until he finally grabbed Danny and dragged him to the dance floor. When Coach arrived, everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at what was going on:
-McCall! You're not supposed to... What the hell are you... -He stopped talking and the band stopped playing. -What the hell are you doing?
-Yes, Coach? -Scott looked at Danny and hugged him closer, and the girls used all of their strength not to laugh again.
-Okay... -He chuckled nervously. -Hold on, you... I was just saying he's not supposed to... I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't... You guys don't think... You don't... I... I was... Just dance, everybody! Just dance! It's a Dance! It's a party! -He chuckled. The band started playing again and everyone went back to dancing; well, everyone except for Carolinne.
-You can't seriously waste the night like this. -Beatrice told her.
-Are you kidding me? The comedy show I just watched made the whole night worth it.
-...Well I have to agree on that.
-And really, I'm good. You girls go enjoy the dance floor, you love dancing, and your dates are waiting.
The girls exchanged a look and a tricky smile. Then each of them took one of Carol's arms and they dragged her to the dance floor which them, right to where their boyfriends were. And she actually gave up and danced, and it was amazing, until her feet started to hurt (that's the price you pay for wearing 4 inch heels). She excused herself and thanked the girls for making her have fun. Walking away, she saw Jackson steping out of the building and followed him outside. He was a few feet away, but she managed to catch up (oh, but her poor little feet!).
-Where are you going?
-Are you followimg me?
-I wanted to talk to you. And you're drunk.
He shook his head and suddenly stopped. His eyes widened, so she followed her gaze and say glowing red spots in the woods. She didn't have to read minds to know exactly what he was thinking.
-Jackson, please don't.
-You said you wouldn't try to stop me.
-And I won't, but you can at least be sober, you know, when you get a life changing, supernatural force in your body.
-I know what I'm doing.
-Debatable. Can you at least have some water?
-Will it make you happy?
-Yes. -She handed him a bottle of water and he took a few sips. -One more thing.
-What? -He snored.
She wasn't 100% sure about her following decision, but she continued anyway. Was it dangerous? Absolutely. But she was Carolinne Jane Whittemore; danger had never been an obstacle and if Jackson was going to do that, no better company than his crazy, hyperactive, adventure-seeking sister.
-I'm coming with you.
-You heard. Keep moving.
He smiled at her and she smiled back, raising a brow as if challenging him:
-So, are we doing this or what?
They started walking towards the woods, to where they'd last seen the red lights.
-Come on! -Jackson called, but there was no answer. -Come on, do it. I know you're here.
-Don't be a coward, Peter! -Carol provoked.
-COME ON! -Jackson yelled. -I want to be like you.
-Are you seriously gonna make me walk through these woods in heels? Show up, Hale!
They saw the two red lights aproaching them, but it wasn't Peter; it was just flashlights; hunters' flashlights.
-Unfortunately, Jackson, I don't think I can give you what you want. -Chris Argent said, and got closer to them. -But I have a feeling you might be able to help me.
-And why should he? -Carol asked ans Chris turned to her and stared with disdain:
-I see you share not only the hair and the eyes but also the audacity with my sister.
-Yeah, so I've heard. -She rolled her eyes. It was kind of annoying, really; everyone said the same thing: "Oh, you don't look that much like her, but there is a touch, a spark." And the worst part is, she saw it too. God, she wasn't blind!
-There's much more to this story than you know, kid.
-Believe me, I know everything I have to know and everything I shouldn't know.
The hunter frowned at that. What she "shouldn't" know? What the hell was that supposed to mean?!
-By the way. -She continued. -Remember that night in the gas station? The "secret body guard"? That was me. -She said, and pulled out the same dagger she thrown at them that night and laughed bitterly at the shocked expression that he made.
-You're messing with the wrong people and the wrong things, girl. And Jackson, just because your sister has chosen the bad side to fight for, it doesn't mean you can't make things right.
She looked at her brother, who was staring at them in a way that Carol couldn't quite decipher.
-Jackson, you know he's lying.
-Am I, Carolinne? -Chris questioned. -You know deep down, Jackson, that I'm not the irresponsable one here.
Jackson walked to Carol and stoo in fron of her, in a position that Argent couldn't see his face.
-Warn Scott. -He mouthed. -I'm sorry, Care. -He was now talking out loud, but the way he was looking at her wqs enough for her to understand that it was an act, so she kept playing the part.
-I can't believe you're doing this to me.
-Just go.
-Accept that you lost, Carolinne. -Chris teased. -Now leave us alone.
She glared furiously at him before turning away and going back to the school to find Scott. And she will never forgive herself for not seeing Lydia outside looking for Jackson.

-Stiles! -She yelled when she saw him. She was panting and had to stabilize her breathing before talking to him.
-Whoa, calm down. What is it?
-Where is Scott?
-He just left with Allison.
-Where did they go?
-To the buses, I think. Carol, what's going on?
-Got no time to talk, I need to find him.

She ran to where Stiles said they had gone to, amd got there to see Scott smiling at the bus window where Allison was.
He turned to look at her and his smile dissapeared when he saw her expression.
-What happened?
-They know.
-What? Carolinne, breathe.
-They're here Scott, and they, they know it's you.
He looked confused before finally realising what she meant.
-Scott, what is she talking about? -Allison questioned.
-I... She... -He couldn't find the words.
-Scott, you have to run! -Carol said, but it was too late. They saw cars aproaching and they knew there was no escaping now, they were trapped. They heard engines and it could only mean one thing: the plan was to smash them between the two cars. For Scott, the only problem was that in order to save himself, he had to expose his secret. But Carolinne? She would die.
Everything happened in a second, one moment she was there about to be killed and the other Scott was holding her bridal style and standing on the cars. Allison was taring at them looking shocked and heartbroken. Carol heard Chris screaming something but she couldn't understand it, still lrocessing everything. Scott put her down, jumped to the top of the bus, and left.
The hunter stepped out of the car and she was taken by an anger that she couldn't describe. She could feel every cell in her body burning with rage as she screamed:
-You were going to kill me!!!
-You were not supposed to be there.
-But I was! And you didn't care! I was going to be collateral damage.
Allison still couldn't believe what she'd just seen Scott, he... He'd said he lived her. But he'd lied to her. She stared in disbelief and waited for her dad to come up with an answer, but he had none, and Carol continued to rant:
-"We hunt those who hunt us"?! I'M HUMAN!!! And Scott, what did he EVER DO TO YOU?! You know what? You're not protectors. You're not saving anybody! You're just a bunch of psychotic mass murderers with no real purpose in life!!
After saying that, she stormed out of there, not waiting for an answer, because she couldn't stand the idea of listening to them trying to explain themselves. What she needed to do now was find Scott, and she actually had an idea of where to look. On her way to the parking lot, she got a text:
Alice: We're here.
Finally a good thing.
Carol: You couldn't have picked a better moment. I'll text you the adress.

And let the battles begin.

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