Chapter 15: Magic dust.

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-What is he doing here? -Scott wondered. Carol and him had followed Jackson after school.
-He's doing what everyone is doing. Buying tickets.
-How much are those?
-I don't know. Ask Matt over there.
-He, Matt.
-How much are the tickets?
-Oh. Can I borrow some money?
-Yeah, how much?
-Uh, can you just land him 25? I'll pay the rest. -Carol said.
-Fine, then.
He handed Scott the money and they thanked him. Both Scott and Carol watched curiously as Jackson bought one ticket; he hadn't said a word in quite a while, and his eyes were at the same time deep and empty. It's like he wasn't human. And right after Jackson left, they closed the box office.
-What? That's not fair!
-We'll find a way Care. Come on, I told Derek I'd meet him at the clinic.
-Whatever. -She said, dissapointed. -I'll see you tomorrow.
-You're not coming?
-I'm not a part of the pack.
-Then come as my friend.
-What's the point of me being there?
-What else do you have to do?
-Watch The Vampire Diaries amd Gossip Girl, read Pet Sematery, practice Bella's lullaby on keyboard... Literally anything that's actually interesting.
He sighed and rolled his eyes.
-Just come. Deaton said that he would help us, and at least I won't be the only one there who doesn't want to kill Jackson.
She analyzed the possibilities and finally have in.
-Ugh, fine. Let's go before I change my mind.

-What's he doing here? -Scott questioned when he saw that Derek had brought Isaac.
-I need him.
-I don't trust him.
-Yeah, well, he doesn't trust you, either.- Isaac spoke of himself in the third person.
-You know what? And Derek really doesn't care. -Derek complained. -What is she doing here?
-Scott dragged me here. And honestly, it sounds more than fair that, since you brought Isaac, Scott has support as well.
-Isaac is part of the pack.
-And I'm the Kanima's sister, meaning whatever you discuss here is in my interest. Now, shall we begin?
-Where's the vet? Is he going to help us or not?
-That dpends. -Deaton showed up. -Your friend Jackson, are we planning to kill him or save him?
Derek said "Kill him" at the same time Scott and Carol said "Save him".
-SAVE. HIM. -Carolinne said trough greeted teeth, while looking at Derek.
-Save him. -Scott confirmed and Derek shrugged.
-Good. Come here.
He led them to a room where there were many little glass jars. Isaac reached out to one of them, but Derek blocked him.
-Watch what you touch.
Deaton went trough them, looking for anything that could be usefull.
-So, what are you? -Isaac interrogated him. -Some kind of witch?
-No, I'm a veterinarian. Unfortunatelly, I don't see anything here that's gonna be an effective deffense against a paralytic toxin.
-We're open to suggestions. -Derek said.
-What about an effective offense. -Isaac tried and Carolinned growled at him.
-We arleady tried. -Derek reminded. -I nearly took it's head off. And Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up.
-Has it shown any weaknesses? -Deaton asked.
-Well, one. It can't swim.
-Does that go for Jackson as well?
-No. -Carol and Scott answered. -He's the capitain of the swim team.
-Essentially, you're trying to catch two people. -He turned arround and took something form a drawer behind him. Some kind of amulet. -A puppet and a puppeteer. One killed the husband, but the other had to take care of the wife. Do we know why?
-I don't think Jackson could do it. His mother died pregnant too, and she was maybe murdered. -Scott explained. -I think he couldn't let the same thing happen to someone else.
-How do you know it's not part of the rules? -Isaac asked. -The Kanima kills murderers. -If Jackson kills the wife then the baby dies too.
-Does that mean your father was a murderer?
-Wouldn't surprise me if he was.
-Both of you have a point. -Carolinne stated. -Maybe it was everything toghether. The baby wasn't supposed to die. And deep down, Jackson is still there, that's why he won't attack me. He knows he's not suppoed hurt me. So maybe the fact that she was pregnant might have blocked him.
-Hold on. The book says they're bonded, right? -Deaton asked and Derek nodded.- What if the fear of water isn't coming from Jackson, but from the person controlling him? What if something that affects the Kanima also affects his Master? -He grabbes one of the jars with some bkack powder in it (mountain ash, as they later found out) and made a circle arround the amulet.
-Meanimg what? -Isaac questione.
-Meaning we can catch them. -Scott concluded. -Both of them.

-There's gotta be some other way to get tickets, right? -Scott wondered as they got to school the next day.
-It's a secret show, there's only one way, and it's a secret. -Stiles said.
-Hey! -Matt called. -Does any of you know why no one's getting suspended after what happend the other day at school?
-Just forget about it, nobody got hurt.
-I had a concussion.
-Well, nobody got seriously hurt. -Stiles kept trying.
-I was in the ER for six hours.
-Hey, do you wanna know the truth, Matt? Your little bump in the head is about this hight... -He placed his hand in a spot a little above the ground. -... on our list of problems right now!
-Stiles! -Carol scolded.
-Are you ok? -Scott asked Matt.
-Yeah, I'm fine, now. So you didn't get any tickets last night either.
-Are they still selling?
-No, but I managed to find two online.
-Daisy got me one, as well. -Carol said.
-You should keep trying. Sounds like everyone's going to be there. -Matt walked away.
-I don't like him. -Stiles stated.-Hey, are you sure abou this?
-Last time, whoever's controlling Jackson had to kill somebody, because he didn't finish the job, so what do you think he's gonna do this time?
-Be there to make sure ot happens. Hey Carol, how did you get the tickets?
-I just said, Daisy found three online.
-Why did she only give you one?
-Because the others were for her and Beatrice. And yes, I asked her if there were any left, but it's all sold out. We'll find a way, you'll both be there.

Later, they were at Deaton's clinic.
-Ketamime? -Scott asked, looking at the bottle of medicine he was holding.
-It's the same stuff we use on the dogs, just a higher dosage. -He handed them the bottle and the syringe. -If you can get close enough to Jackson, it should slow him down enough to buy you sometime. Amd this is some of what you will use to create the barrier. -He gave them a glass of mountain ash. -This part is for you, Stiles. Only you.
-Uh, that sounds like a lot of pressure. Can we maybe find a slightly less pressure-filled task for me?
-No. -Carol answered.
-It's from the mountain ash tree, which is believed by many cultures to protect against the supernatural. -Deaton explained. -This office is lined with ash wood, making it difficult for someone like Scott or Carolinne to cause me any trouble.
-Ok, so then what? I just spread this arround the whole building and then either Jackson or whoever's controlling him can't cross it?
-They'll be trapped.
-Doesn't sound too hard.
-Not all there is. Think of it like gunpowder. It's just powder until a spark ignites it. You need to be that spark, Stiles.
-If you mean light myself on fire, I don't think I'm up for that. -Stiles protested, and Carol closed her eyes and shook her head.
-Let me try a different analogy: I used to golf. I learnes that the best golfers never swing before first imagining where they want the ball to go. They see it in their mind, and their mind takes over. It can be pretty extarordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish.
-Force of will. -Stiles nodded.
-Hey, if this is going to work, Stiles, you have to believe it.
Stiles inhaled deeply just like Deaton had and agreed.
-Oh my dear God, how did my life become this? -Carolinne asked to no one in special.
-What do you mean?
-I mean that, until a few months ago, I didn't believe in the supernatural. Mythical creatures, conjuring rituals, shapeshifters, the influence of energies... I'd always seen all of that as bullshit, and now I'm a werewolf, listening to a veterinarian  explaining the power of the mind and how we can use it to keep my lizard brother to cross a barrier of magic dust.
They all looked at her until she started to laugh, makimg them confused at first. But soon, everyone was laughing too, because let's be honest, the whole thing really was tragicomic.
-Yeah, when you put it like that... It really is a mess.
-Is there any way to put it that doesn't sound like a mess?
-Uh... No. But we're gonna fix it. We always do.
And there they went to a crazy night, which was now a part of their routines.

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