Chapter 13: Overreactions and psychic.

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-Did you hear about this accident? -Alice asekd, looking at her phone. They were currently in Carolinne's room talking about Harry Potter when she stopped to check her Twitter.
-What accidednt?
-There was a 10-car-pile-up not far from here.
-10 cars? Geez... Poor Melissa, the hospital must be a mess. Hey, what time is is?
-8 P.M. Why?
-It's Jackson day!
-I told Jackson I'd Skype him today. Can you hand over my laptop?
-Yeah, here you go.

It barely rang twice before Jackson picked up.
-Hey you. I thought you'd forgotten me.
-Never! I miss you so much.
-I miss you, too, sis. Whoa, is that Alice?
-Hello, Jackson. -The huntress greeted.
-Hi! Are things that bad?
-Yes. -Both girls snorted. They told him everything that had happened since he'd last called Carol, all about the fight at the abandoned mall, thinking that Derek had been killed and the disturbing night at the creepy Motel. He listened to the whole thing incredulous, but the only thing he said at the end was:
-And how bad was that fight with Derek?
-Seriously?! I tell you that there is a Dark Druid killing people and that it poisoned us with wolfsbane causing our friends to hallucinate, and you're interested in my fight with my ex?!
-Duh, obviously. You guys have been fighting like toddlers ever since you first met, I wanna see where that goes.
-You're so annoying.
-And you're avoiding the question.
-She used german. -Alice filled him in.
-Ooh, then it was ugly.
-Of course it was ugly. -Carol sighed and shook her head. -He totally overreacted.
-Care, you did poison yourself.
-I know, but the others didn't react this badly! When I told you, you were proud of me.
-But people are different. It's not that he sees you like a child, it's just that he doesn't want you to get sick.
-Look, you're my brother! You're supposed to be on my side!
-I'm not picking sides, I'm trying to see things from both points of view.
-But you have to defend me!
-Stop being dramatic. -He chuckled.
-I'm not being dramatic! Derek is the one who seems to have forgotten that I'm not his Beta and that he doesn't get to come barking orders at me.
-Yeah, he told me that I had to stop with the wolfsbane.
-And you said no.
-Certainly. Then he got even more pissed and told me that "things are the way they are for a reason". I mean, come on, he knows me better than that. Who says that kind of thing to a self-proclaimed revolutionary?
-The person who cares about said revolutionary's safety. -Alice answered.
-Why is everyone turning against me?
-I'm not turning, against you, I totally agree that he overreacted.
-So do I. But we also think that he did it because he cares about you, not because he thinks you're a kid. -Jackson explained.
-He literally called me "reckless and immature".
-Maturity is a relative concept, and you are reckless. Your body could react badly.
-But you don't think that I should stop. Derek does. And you care about me.
-Of course I do, but I'm used to you being like this. I grew up with crazy, impulsive, unruly Carolinne. But he didn't. Derek grew up in a traditional pack, his mom was an influent Alpha, and they all lived acording to the laws of being a werewolf. He's seen his family play by the book and it had always worked for them, so naturally, that's what he tries to do.

She reflected her brother's words for a few seconds. It made sense, and for one moment, she actually felt bad. Remembering the scene, she realized that she might have overreacted to his overreaction. She just hated being controlled, especially by someone who didn't have authority over her. She hated being told what to do.
-You know, sometimes I miss the days when you were a jerk.
-No you don't. -He laughed.
-Whatever! So, how's London?

-Good morning. -Miss Blake greeted as she entered the classroom the following morning. -As you all know, Mr. Harris is still missing, I mean, sick. Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified subtitute to take my place. Ok, so let's get started, shall we?

While Jennifer started her class, Carol listened to Stiles and Scott's conversation:
-Hey, my dad said that the E.R attending wasn't strangled, but did die from asphyxiation. -Stiles told him. -They just don't know how.
-Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?
-But Scott, there's gotta be at least 20 other doctors in that hospital. At least, you know? Any of them could be next.

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