Chapter 6

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"Why do I have to guard with her? Why can't you? You're the brother!" I exclaim, pointing a finger at Julia. She glares at me.

"Because we all need some bonding to make this alliance work!"

"You two don't even have to say any little thing to each other. All you have to do is watch for walkers," Luke scoffs, walking up and opening a door marked EMPLOYEES ONLY.

  I scuff out the door onto the roof. Julia follows me up and arms her bow. She looks down and puts her bow in a prepared position. The sunlight hitting her face makes all her features show. I have got to admit, she was pretty, but not someone I would go for at this time.

I felt awkward, so I tried to start up a conversation. "So, how long have you done archery?"

Great question. Stupid. I think to myself, but the conversation lights up a little.

"Six years," Don't want to talk to me, huh?

"Wow, that says a lot."

"Thanks," She murmurs, still looking down.

"What can you see?"

"I don't know, what do you think that is?"

I look down and say, "I don't know," Then I realize, what else would it be? "A walker!"

"Go tell the others! I'll see if I can shoot some!"

  Some? I look down and see a lot coming. I run down over to the hatch and climb down the steps, jumping half way, stumbling and regaining myself yelling, "Walkers!"

  Everyone looks up at me, then grabs any weapon close enough to them and runs to the boarded up doors and shoots walkers.




  Shots everywhere, not wasting any bullets. I see walkers falling in the back of the huge crowd and remember Julia on the roof. Every shot I see her make it hits them in the head.

"Don't just stand there! Help!" Lindsay yells at me.

  I run back up to the roof and start shooting as many walkers as I can. Then I hear the loudest scream known to man kind.

  Julia and I look at each other and climb down the ladder as fast as we can, to see Lindsay's arm through the big cracks of the boarded up door. A walker is about to bite a big chunk out of her tan flesh. I run down the flight of stairs and grab Lindsay's arm trying to pull her back from the meat eater. A arrow shoots through the walker's head and it falls to the ground. Then I hear the worst sound I never wanted myself to here at this time.


  Walkers pile in. Lindsay is grabbed again and I was too late this time. She got a chunk bitten out of her arm. Hayven pulls the screaming girl back and huddles her away from the terror that is happening. Then another scream is heard. Every walker runs into a group. Blood, skin, and body parts are flung everywhere.

"Where's Gabe?" Someone yells.

  I look at Luke who is staring at the crowd of walkers. He points. Oh god. I think, putting my hands over my eyes.


  All I hear is gun shots and screams from Lindsay. Tears are streaming down her face. I grab a rag from a table and try to stop the bleeding, even though that won't help anything. I hear footsteps and look up to see a walkers starring at me, as if plotting his kill on me. I look around for something to arm myself with, when I remember my arrows. I grab the pointy arrow as fast as I could and throw it had the infected's head. He fell to the ground and all the other guys run over to check on us. They told me everything I missed. I remember Lindsay bleeding out next to me.

"Lindsay. Okay. Oh god, you got bit and you will turn fast. We can cut off your arm-," I press the rag to her arm once again.

"What? I'd rather die!" She gasps.

"You have two choices here, we can cut off your arm or you can turn," Julia kneels down to be on eye level.

"Wait. There is another choice. We could just kill you," Josh puts a hand on his sister's shoulder.

"Which one Lindsay? You might wanna chose fast we might not have enough time to cut off your arm," The words escape my mouth calmly.

Lindsay looks at all of us, "Kill me, but only Julia can."

"Why me?" Julia huffs.

"Because, you're the nicest one here. No offense guys," We all give her glares and she laughs a bit.

  Julia pulls out an arrow and arms her bow. I didn't want Julia to kill a real person. It changes you. I give Julia a stare and she nods. The whole room is silent while Julia prepares her bow. I grab a bow from the side of me and arm it silently. Lindsay closes her eyes, waiting for Julia to end her death. When Julia finishes arming her bow and is about to shoot when she steps back, when I let go of the rag that absorbs Lindsay's infected blood and let Josh takes over. I pull back my bow string and let it slide off my fingers, let the air glide the arrow to her head, ending her life.

Apocalypse Rising (A TWD Fanfic) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now