Chapter 31

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Abi's POV

Twirling my hair between my fingers, stare at the ceiling of the white cell. I'm bored out of my mind, been sitting here for what seems like, forever. I go through my options on what I can do in my head, remembering that I need to shoot some arrows to get good. Julia has been nagging me about it for a long time, telling me to shoot twelve arrows everyday.

I slowly stand up, making my way into the training room. I walk into the lightly, dim room. My bow hangs by a rod in the wall. I quickly grab it, heading into the hall of targets.

My quiver loaded with arrows, my fingers run across the cold shaft and the soft fletchings, grabbing hold of the nock. I load the arrow in my bow. The nock on the string, the arrow head laying on the rest of my bow. I slowly pull the recurve string back, bringing it to my mouth. My fingers slowly slip off, letting the arrow fly. The arrow hits

the target, the head of the arrow pierced into the black ring of the paper.

"You won't hit closer to the middle if you aren't doing it right," I hear a familiar voice behind me.

I ignore the voice, my mind in full focus. I grab another arrow, trying again. Doing the same motion again, I pull the string to my mouth.

"Here," I hear the same voice again, making me let down, "Stand sideways," His hands touch my waste. He moves me sideways, moving my feet apart. I look back to see Carl, making me smile.

"Thanks," I whisper.

I start to draw back, Carl stopping me, "Bring the string to the corner of your mouth. It works better," He grabs the bow, demonstrating.

He hands the recurve back, letting me try. Carl stands close to me, too close. I can feel his breath on my neck as I try to do what he said. I finally get to what he said, letting the string slip through my fingers, the arrow flying. The arrow pierces the red ring on the paper, making me cheer.

"Since when did you become the expert at archery?" I ask, laughing.

"I'm not. Hayven taught me a thing or two, those steps I actually remember," He laughs.

"Well, thanks," I smile, "Maybe I can actually shoot a thing or two now."

He nods, grabbing another recurve bow and starts shooting next to me. We exchanged glances a couple times, just smiling and turning away. The awkward tension fills the room. We just quietly keep shooting.

Darcy's POV

The light flicks on, the blinding light hard to see through. I grumble at whoever awoke me from my dreams. Don't need to go into detail, but the dream had Harry Styles in it. You can imagine how that went.

I see a lady standing at my door. Her red hair goes down past her shoulders, her gray eyes piercing. She scares me already.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"We need to have a little chat. If you would come with me," She says.

I sign, standing up. Looking down at my clothes, I sigh once more. They didn't have enough clothes for me at the instant, so I just slept in my bloody clothes.

The red headed lady left my room and walked out into the long hallway of doors. I quickly followed behind, watching as her blood red heels clicked as she walked. She stops in front of a door and turns around, meeting my eyes.

"Please sit down," She says, walking to her desk.

I quietly sit down, putting my fingers in my lap.

"John, he brought you here?" she asks

I nod, "I was in trouble, running from those things. He saved my life."

"Oh, yes. I'm glad you're okay," She lies, I can see it. "I'm Jenny."

"Darcy," I say, "What did you want to talk about?"

"We have a program here that teaches people how to defend and protect themselves from the infected," She hands me a paper.

I grab it looking it over, "Looks like you guys have a pretty good set up here."

"We try to keep people safe as best we can," Jenny says. "The program starts in a couple of minutes. I'll show you over there."

She walks me over to a double door, opening it. I walk in, seeing the main room of the church. Chairs have been moved, a long mat replaced at the top. A cage sits at the top of the mat, almost as long as it. I sit down, after a while, people start piling in, sitting down behind me.

Later, two men in navy body suits walk in holding an infected little girl. The door opens to the cage, a young boy walking in. That's John. What kind of program is this? John holds a knife, his knuckles turning bone-white. I can't watch him murder an innocent little girl, infected or not.

I stand up to walk out of here. A hand stops me. Looking up, I see her. The lady with red hair.

Jenny looks at me, sitting me down, "It's just about to begin." She continues, "John has been doing this for a while now."

People are smiling, "Are they really enjoying this?"

"We've been doing this for a while now."

"Yeah okay. Now, if you'll excuse me, I don't want to watch this," I say, standing up and walking to the doors.

I open the double doors, seeing navy men in my way. I tap one of their shoulders, neither of them moving.

"No one leaves," I hear Jenny say.

"And why is that?"

"We have strict rules here. You either sit in there and watch, or you take John's place." Is she kidding me?

I just stand there, shocked. She expected me to sit in there and watch that? I don't want to take his place though.

"But there is another thing you could do. You could help me with something."


(A/N): I know it's not the best! It deleted half of it o-o

Apocalypse Rising (A TWD Fanfic) *Editing*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang