Chapter 25

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Julia's POV

I met everyone. Everyone. I sigh and fall onto the cell bed. My back hurt like hell, but I'll get over it. I've been thinking about that boy Carl. He seems like a good kid. The whole love during a apocalypse thing usually goes wrong. Well, it does in books and movies. I don't wanna take that chance.

"Hey Julia," my brother walks in cutting off my thoughts, "That kid Carl, have you met him yet?"

I sigh, "I've met everyone. So, yes I have."

"So, Rick wants us to like see how we shoot or how we handle the walkers," Josh says.

"So training?"

"Yep, pretty much. Carl is the "trainer," He added quotes.

"Wonderful," I sigh.

"And you get to go first!" Josh smirks.

"Love you too brother."

I get up and walk where I was told to go to "train." I see Carl standing in the room, look at the guns in the blue bin. I look through the tables. I eye down some hand cuffs. Walking over to the table, I grab the handcuffs. I think they are Rick's seeing he's a cop. Oh well.

"Let's get this over with." I sigh.

Carl turns around flashing me a smile, "What you think this won't be fun?"

"Nah, it will be too easy!" I smirk.

"Oh really? You think you can pin me down that easily?" He laughs.

"Well, looking at you, you don't have much muscle." He fake gasps, "And you look like more of a gun guy then wrestling the walkers."

"I'm hurt," He fake sobs. This boy is so adorable.

"Let's just get this over with."

I get into stance, Carl doing the same. He lunges at me, easily dodging it. I hear a click in the corner of the room. My head turns towards the sound. Carl tackles me to the ground.

"Never lose focus in your opponent. Always expect the unexpected," His smirk appears on his face again.

I wanted so bad to smack that smirk off his face. I quickly flip us over, pinning him to the ground. I notice a thin pole near by. I remember my handcuffs, quickly pulling them out. I handcuff him to the pole and get up.

"What the hell?" He exclaims, looking at his handcuffed hand.

"I'm done training today! See you tomorrow!" I smirk walking out, "Always expect the unexpected!"

I walk into the main cells, and see Rick laughing.

"Did you just handcuff my boy to the pole?" Oh snap.

"Uh, maybe. Maybe not."

He chuckles, "We saw the whole thing from the room next door. Good work!"

Wow that was unexpected.

A/N: sorry this is late and short! But hey! I got one out!
~julia :)

Apocalypse Rising (A TWD Fanfic) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now