Chapter 13

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I finally get the courage to walk into the head house. Putting a rag over my face, I walk into the blood-stained house not knowing what going to come. I look at the walls, the floor, and the doors. Blood. Everywhere there is blood. I almost puked at all the blood. I walk down into the basement to see that the room is spotless, well it's dirty, but compared to the rest of the house... it's clean. I remove the rag from my face and look around for anything that might help. There's no food left and no weapons. Then I spot a toolbox. I run over, opening the sliver, cold box and pull out a screwdriver. This might come in handy. I think, flipping it in my fingers and sliding in the loop of my belt. Then, I put the rag back over my face and run out the house.

Tanner's POV

I see Julia run out of the house with a screwdriver in her belt loop. I smile at her and she smiles back, running over to Hayven.

"Hey! I didn't find food... but I found a screwdriver." Julia laughs.

"We don't have any food left, and we are running out of apples for the horses." Hayven frowns at the feeling of these horses starving.

"Why don't we go find a gas station? There's one right around the block, I'm sure they have plenty of food." I speak up, remembering the K Gas Station.

They exchange looks, then nod agreeing to ride there. Julia runs to her horse and Hayven too.

"We can't all go. Maybe some should stay here." Domonic says.

"I'll stay here with my sister," Oliver says, putting a protective arm around her sister.

"Well, I'm going," I say, walking over to Julia and her horse, climbing on.

"I'm going too and Josh you can come, but you're not riding on a horse. You walk," Julia says seriously.

He nods and walks up to the horse.

"I'm going too," Hayven says, looking at Domonic.

"No! I'm not letting you risking that." Domonic has sad eyes.

Hayven just ignored him, but Domonic got on the horse and so I guess. We grab our guns, nod at everyone, praying they'll be okay and ride off.

Apocalypse Rising (A TWD Fanfic) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now