Chapter 32

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Darcy's POV

I gulp. Help her? What could I possibly help her with? Why would I want to?

"Help you with what?" I ask.

A wicked smile appears on her face, "Follow me."

She leads me into a white room, blood clear on the walls. It smelled foul, I felt my small meal I had, coming up. There in the middle of the room, stands a cage. In the cage stands four teens, about my age. John soon walks in, blood covers his hands. He throws the knife to the floor, sighing.

"That's it for the day?" He asks.

Jenny nods. I'm clearly confused, she hasn't told me anything.

John turns to me, "Why is she here?"

"She needs to help me out with the project."

John starts laughing. Why is he laughing?

Confusion written on my face, "What the heck is going on here? Why are you laughing?"

He continues laughing, "Oh, you don't know?"

"Don't know? Is someone going to explain what's happening?" I'm angry now, I don't know what's happening, why John is still laughing, or why I'm being forced into this.

"You're stuck here love, you can't get out of this now. You've gotten already too deep," John says, clearly amused by me.

"See, what we have here are what we like to call cage fights," Jenny says, "Everyone watches, gets the memo that we mean business. If you refuse, you either help us go on with it, or you join the infected in those cages."

I'm can't believe what I'm hearing, I'm terrified. I came here for survival, not cage fighting.

"And how exactly do you expect me to help you?" Trying to keep your cool is harder than it looks.

No one speaks. I look at John for answers, him, not returning any. I'm getting frustrated now.

"Your choice," She says, "Better pick fast, losing time."

I sigh, I have no way out of this, "Fine. I'll 'help'."

"Great choice!"


"Let's start with the punching bag," My trainer, Alex, instructs me.

Seriously? "Why do I even need this?" I ask curiously.

Curiosity killed the cat.

He lightly chuckles at me. Everyone keeps laughing when I ask questions.

"Why does everyone keep doing that?" I ask, strongly punching him in the stomach.

He stumbles back, "For a girl you do punch very well."

"So you're saying girls can't fight?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "For your information, I took self-defense for almost two years."

He ignores me, "Just punch the bag."

Fine, be that way.

Doctor's POV

A tinny ping sound rings out as I add a drop of poisonous substance into Darcy's blood sample. I quickly look through the microscope to see the cells quickly react. Amazing, I think. I grab a veil of a sample of one zombie's blood. It's pitch black, the infection dangerous.

Adding a drop of the infection, I look through the microscope once more, "The cells within her blood seem to multiply. They fight the infection, no trouble at all. Then return back to normal."

"Darcy is certainly immune?"

"It seems so," I say, looking up from the microscope.

"Thank you for the information Doctor. It will be very helpful, everything is falling into place," Jenny smiles wickedly, walking out of the room.

Apocalypse Rising (A TWD Fanfic) *Editing*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ