Chapter 11

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I give Luke a hand on my horse, and we trot over to the dark shadow. I take an arrow out of my bag and set it on my bow. I aim the bow and turn the corner, when I'm interrupted by a yell.

Oliver hisses, "Stop! Don't you dare shoot her!"

We all stare at Oliver. He walks over to the corner and another hand comes up. A girl stands up, looks about 12, and has strawberry blonde hair. Her dimpled face is spotted with freckles. She has dark brown eyes that sparkle with innocence.

Oliver puts his arm around her shoulder, "This is my sister, Katie."

"Nice to meet you, Katie!" Julia smiles, walking over and hugs her.

The rest of us wave and smile. We invite her in and talk until it's about midnight.

Moaning and groaning sounds from every corner. Foot steps gaining in on us. Oliver grabs Katie and pulls her towards him. I turn around to see walkers everywhere. Julia and I put arrows in our bows and start shooting any walker we see. The boys take out their guns and start shooting from every angle. Oliver leaves Kate to join. I get on my horse and Julia does the same.

Shooting down walkers, I was left with one arrow. I look around to locate Julia, but instead I see Katie. She is huddled in a corner, with a walker closing in on her. I shoot the walker and gallop Moon over to Katie. I grab her hand, pulling her up on my horse. She throws her legs over the horse, griping my shoulders as I jump over a log. I feel her hands let go on my shoulders and I look back to see her laying on the ground. I turn Moon around. Reaching my body down to grab her. She throws herself over my horse again and holds on tighter. I jump over a tree trunk. It seemed like Katie didn't fall off. I catch up with Julia and the guys. Little did I know, Katie did fall off.


"Where's my sister?" I yell, looking at the empty half of Hayven's horse.

Hayven looks behind her and her eyes grow wide.

"She w-was right behind me!" Hayven stutters, as her voice cracks.

Anger builds up in my body and my fists tighten at my sides. I throw a punch at her, but get pulled back and get a gun pointed to my head. Josh looks down at me and keeps the gun there.

"I will pull this trigger! We have to stick together, not apart! I don't care if the every walker hears it! I am not afraid to pull it. Do we understand?"

I nod my head and he pulls the gun away, putting it in his back pocket.

Apocalypse Rising (A TWD Fanfic) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now