Chapter 16

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Katie's POV

I sat on a horse with my brother, staying quiet (as usual). I'm helpless. I'm weak. I don't know why I'm not dead yet. Well, I have my brother. I need a weapon. Well learn how to use one. {Maybe they'll teach me how to use a bow. I've always wanted lessons.} I think looking over at Dominic, who is walking next to Hayven's horse. {Maybe I should ask. My father used to hunt with a bow, recurve I presume.} Me and Dominic make eye contact and I motion him over here. He whispers something to Hayven then makes his way over to me.

"What you need?" He asks, sweetly.

"Can you ask Hayven a question for me?" He nods, "I want to know how to use a recurve. Could you ask Her if her or Julia would teach me?"

"Sure!" He says, with a smile.

He walks back over and whispers something; my question I presume, and Hayven moves Moon over to my side.

"Julia and I know little about recurves, but we are glad to teach you what we know. We will teach you basics and aiming if you like." Hayven says with a smile and I nod.

She rides Moon back over next to Julia and they chat. Julia gives me a glance and a thumbs up. I focus my vision back to Oliver.

Julia's POV

I see the white barn, with a red roof. Then I see the one thing I {didn't} want to see. Walkers. A lot too. Okay maybe not a lot, a lot, but like 10. If they gather, then it's a problem. We need to take them out one by one.

"Looks like we have a problem." I say, pointing.

"What about the horses? While we fight some could find them." Hayven says, with sad eyes.

"I'll stay here. Katie will too." Oliver says, "I'll watch Abi too if you want."

We ride the horses to a corner of a fence, leaving Oliver with a gun. Abi walks over to him.

"I'm guessing everyone else is coming?" Everyone nods.

"Let's go."

We silently walk into the parking lot of Cleland's. I look at the ground, getting myself focused. I look up just in time to see an infected woman running towards me only a few feet away. I struck my screwdriver in front of me, and watched as the sharp edge pierced through the skin of the woman's forehead. Blood squirted onto my cheek, yanking the screwdriver out of the woman, letting her fall limp to the floor. I look over to see everyone else going to other walkers, Hayven striking a man. Me and Hayven shoot back to back, getting walkers at every angle.


{How many walkers are there?} I think, shooting a walking in the head. My hand was getting tired. A walker charges at me and I shoot, the bullet hitting his chest, I need more practicing too.


We finally clear out all the walkers and go inside. We picked the locks and walked through two wooden doors, with metal bars at the top. {Looks like they were prepared.} We open up two other sets of doors. Why didn't they just lock all three sets of doors? Their smart.

Tanner's POV

The doors were locked... someone was here. We all know it. We check to see if there's any walkers. None to be seen. I walk with Josh, checking areas. We didn't see any walkers, so we went to check out the different rooms. We go into a shooting range, and Josh walks in front of me, getting grabbed by the angle by a crawler. He shoots it and then we hear a scream. That makes me run out, and I see Luke with a gun pointed to a girls head. Looks about our age, brown hair, brown eyes, and braid trailing down her shoulder.

Everyone else joins around. I see that Dominic is gone. Probably went to get the others. Another boy walks down, recurve in hand, ready to shoot. Julia and Hayven arm their bows and are pointing them at the guy, faster than a blink. He points an arrow back at them.

Julia's POV

I knew who this was right when I saw him. Will. He can aim, shoots his arrow in the place he wants {every} time. I look back at Hayven and nod. She knows who it is too. She drops her aim down and walks over to Luke. Will us aimed at Hayven like a hawk on his pray. She pushes Luke's gun down.

"Ellie... We don't mean harm." Ellie looks at her confused.

"It's me, Hayven." Ellie's eyes grow wide, engaging her in a hug.

She walks up the stairs, up to Will and lowers his bow. I lower mine, and Ellie hugs me. I hug back, happy to see her. Will glares at me. I never really liked him.

Hayven's POV

I look at Will from the corner of my eye. I see him rising his bow at Julia.

"Watch out!" I yell, pushing Julia.

He goes to shoot and I whip out my bow and shoot him in the head. {I never liked him anyways.} Ellie gasps, runs up and to Will. But instead of crying, she took the arrow out of his head, and picked up his recurve.

She laughs and says, "I finally get his recurve."

"Why aren't you sorry for-" Tanner gets cut off.

"She's not sorry because no one liked him, he's always snotty." Hayven says.

"He's the only chance I had. I mean for a group." Ellie says, walking down the stairs and to the shooting range.

We hear a door shut. We look over to see, Dominic walking in with 4 horses and the rest of our people.

I turn to Abi and say, "How about those lessons? We have best person who knows how to shoot a recurve," I smile at Ellie.

"Can she teach me?" Abi says, happy.

I turn to Ellie and she nods. "Sure!" She says with a smile, "Lets get those lessons started."

Apocalypse Rising (A TWD Fanfic) *Editing*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя