Chapter 21

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Sorry I haven't been updating! I've been so busy... I WILL get some chapters in! Enjoy!


Katie's POV

I sit on the cold ground and think. So many things run through my head. Where has my life gone? Are they okay? Can I survive on my own? These are questions I didn't have answers to. My life is the scariest thing ever. I'm just a kid, in a life like this.

I hear the door open, and I turn my head, caution taking over. I feel relief when I see everyone walk in.

"We grabbed a RV," Hayven says.

Everyone joins in a hug, "Is everyone okay? No bites?"

"Well almost, but I took care of it," I was surprised to hear that, I don't know why, but I was.

"I think we should bail out of here. We don't have much use for it. I know we have a chance to practice, but stuff is already low," Josh makes a good point.

"Tomorrow?" I ask.

We all nod heads and go to pack up our remaining things, we don't have much. I just continue shooting.

Tanner's POV

This sucks. We are leaving another place... Again. I grab my backpack, looking around for anything useful and shove it in. I notice a box with the words, Zombie Gun Ammo (A/N: It's legit ammo xD) printed on it. Taking my share, I shove it into the black backpack.

I walk down the stairs, seeing everyone packing, "More ammo. I took my share already."

"Great! I needed more of that," Josh says.

"Grab some for me Josh. We are busy fletching some arrows," Julia says from behind the shack.

Josh nods and continues to grab ammo for him and his sister. Dominic grabs some ammo for Hayven, packing them into his bag. I leave the box there and make my way back up to packing.


>.< this is probably the SHORTEST thing you've ever read... IM SO SORRY DONT HATE ME. It's also boring .-. I promise I will get more chapters in!!! ugh, I promise too much :P


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