Chapter 8

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We got to Grassy Creek. I walk off the bus and look around to see if any walkers are lingering. I walk into the main house. The smell of death hit me like a shot in the head. I cover half of my face with my hair and my hands, trying not to faint. I look around to see blood everywhere. On the walls, floors and all over the furniture. Trying not to breath in all the fumes, I stare at two girls and one boy laying on the blood stained floor with a puddle of blood outlining their shape. I wanted to cry. I don't know if it was the fumes sinking into my eyes or I felt bad for them. Probably both, but I couldn't see anymore. I ran out to watch everyone stare at me.

"What's wrong? What did you see in there?" Julia comes over to hug me.

I drop my hair and rub the tears from my eyes, "Don't go in there! Unless you wanna be scarred for life."

"Alright. Let's go see if the barn is unlocked."

We all walk over to the barn. Tanner pulls on the door and huffs, "It's locked."

"Guys, I got this. I know everything about this barn! I could practically live here!" I smirk, walking over to the barn.

I rummage my fingers over the lock and in a couple seconds, you here a click. I smile and pull open the big wooden door, to reveal all the horses I hoped would be there. I saw my two favorite horses, Moon, a gray Appaloosa horse and Kat, a chestnut thoroughbred. I smile. I walk up carefully, patting the two beautiful horses in front of me. I take them out of their stalls. I give one to Julia and we walk over to the tack boxes, sitting by the wooden doors.

"What should we do?" Luke sits on a hay barrel.

"Go find food for these poor skinny horses," I frown, pointing to a shed.

Julia and I put tack on the horses. We finish right before the three boys come back with a basket of apples. Luke and Tanner toss a apple to each of us, while Josh walks in the barn, feeding each horse a couple apples. We feed our horses the red, ripe apple and pat them. Once we feed the horses their meal, we throw ourselves on the riding saddle and I take out my bow and arm it with an arrow.

"It's now or never," I laugh, trotting my horse over to some wood.

I take a piece of wood and lean it up by a fence. I trot my horse back to Julia.

"Now watch me."

I gallop my horse towards the target and pull my bow string back, letting the string slip out of my fingers. It seemed like everything went in slow motion. I was focused and ready for what ever would happen.


As the arrow hit the board of wood, I was back in the real world.

Apocalypse Rising (A TWD Fanfic) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now