Chapter 28

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---Couple months later---

??? POV

"Where am I?" I've asked this many time now, haven't been answered.

"A church. We've boarded it up and nothing has touched it," John sighs, finally answering me.

We walk through huge double glass doors. My eyes scan the many army soldiers surrounding the building. A lady behind a desk stares me in the eyes, her glasses silently tinted. John pulls me over to her.

"Are you bit?" The lady asks.

I shake my head. I try not to let the lie show. I've been bit. The thing is, I got bit months ago, and I'm fine. I don't feel sick, nothing.

"What's your name dear?" The lady asks.

"Darcy," I answer.

The lady nods. She then stares at John, holding up two fingers. I stare confused, not knowing what that meant. John leads me into a white room. Medical tables spread across the room, along with chairs, tables, and many medical things.

John turns me to face him, "Why did you lie?" His eyes scan my face. "I noticed it right off the spot."

"I'm not bit," My side obviously not winning.

"Don't lie. I'll have to check it out. Where were you bit?" His eyes glued to the red patch of blood on my shirt.

I look down, not wanting to tell him. He knows exactly where it is. I slowly lift my shirt, showing off the well scabbed wound. He gasps in shock, trying to run out of the room.

I grab his arm, tears filling my eyes, "No! Please."

"I have to tell someone Darcy, you're bit. You're infected," He says.

"You don't understand! I got this months ago!" The tears fall down my face.

"How did you survive a bite? That's impossible."

"Don't you think I knew I would tell you?"

"You're immune to those things?"

"I honestly don't know."

"Well, I guess we go find out."

Apocalypse Rising (A TWD Fanfic) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now