Chapter 7

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"Y'all, we have to leave," I look up to see our pigeon.

"And go where?" Luke answers me.

"Grassy Creek."

  We all look at Hayven and I smile.

"You just wanna see if the horses are okay, don't you?" I chuckle, walking over to the pigeon and letting fly on my arm.

  Hayven chuckles in amusement, "Half yes, half no. We can put up wired fences, and I can finally teach you how to do archery while riding a horse for free."

 "We have to pack quick. We should start now."

  I walk over to the survival section with Hayven following and the boys doing their own thing. I look through each isle for something useful to take along. I stop at the canned food isle. I look through the isle, finding different foods we would need.

"Hayven, come look at this," I motion to her.

She takes a look at all the food. Her eyes grow wide, "Wow, we will need a lot of this."

  Hayven grabs a back-pack from a wall and unzips it. While she is packing food into the bag, I look at some camo-foliage clothes. They wont help, but we need something to change into once in a while. I think, grabbing another back-pack off the wall and stuffing it with the mixed, dark green clothes. Hayven walks over to me with a filled back-pack.

"We should guard the roof," She suggests. I nod.

  We walk over to the middle of the big building and yell out names. When all the boys join us, we explain to put our stuff in the middle when we have everything and that we were guarding the roof. The boys nod and we walk to the roof. We sit at the edge of the roof, with armed bows. I look at the pigeon.

  We are silent for a couple minutes. I start singing Turning Tables by Adele and Hayven joins in after a while. Soon we are singing a harmony.

  I can't keep up with your turning tables. Under your thumb, I can't breath. So I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no I won't ask you, you to just desert me. I can't give you, the heart you think you gave me. It's time to say goodbye, to turning tables.

  We hear a knock on the hatch of the roof. We instantly stop singing. It opens to see Josh.

"Hey there, Josh," I pause quickly.

"Nice singing! You know we can hear you? The other boys didn't know what it was. I didn't mention anything," He smirks.

  Yeah, right! I think, giving my stupid brother a fake smile.

  We walk down to the middle and gather our stuff. We have five bags in total. One for each of the to carry. I grab the heaviest bag. Tanner glares at me.

"Nope, you're not taking that bag," Tanner murmurs. He grabs a lighter bag, handing it to me and taking the mine.

  I just glare at him. I put the lighter back-pack over my shoulder. Everyone else grabs a bag and we all start walking. Kevin flies on Luke's shoulder.


  Why do I get to be so special and have a pigeon on my shoulder?  I look at the pigeon digging its little birdy nails into my shoulder. I just let him sit there, though. We reach a bus with blood on the windows and a walker or two around it. Julia and Hayven shoot the walkers with their arrows. The girls run onto the bus and start it up.

"I'm surprised it's still here!" They clear the inside of the bus.

"Wait, you used this bus?" I exclaim, walking onto the bus and sitting in a seat.

"Yeah, we had to get away from the high school somehow right?" Julia laughs.

  Hayven takes the wheel, closes the door and we start to drive down to The Grassy Creek Barn.

Apocalypse Rising (A TWD Fanfic) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now