Chapter 15

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The gunshots stop and I look around trying to find a safe place to put Abi. Where do you put a girl to a safe place? Then I see the tree next to us.

"Okay, you have to listen." She nods, "You need to climb that tree and stay there while I go get the others."

I hoist her up on a tree branch and let her climb higher. Then turning on my heel, I run towards the entrance. When I get inside, I hear silence. Not sure if we won or lost. Might as well find out. I think, arming my bow, and pushing the door open with my foot. Blood. All blood. Julia shoots a arrow at a walker and it falls limp to the floor.

"Last walker." Julia says, walking over to the limp body, taking out the bloody arrow.

Everyone faces me.

"The girl...?" Josh's voice fades off.

I nod and motion everyone to follow me. We walk out of the blood smeared doors of the gas station, to see walkers growling around a tree. Then up on a branch is a scared Abi. We make eye contact. Her eyes sparkle with fear. She's been through a lot. A walker falls limp to the floor, drawing my glance to Julia, who is armed and ready for anything. A walker charges at me, and as if a instinct I whip out my bow and pull a arrow out of my quiver, loading my bow. Shooting each walker trying to rip my flesh. Not today! I think, shooting one about to grab my arm. No one wastes a bullet, letting Julia and me doing the work. Well at least we don't need to get more ammo; more ammo we have, less the problem. Once all the walkers are cleared, I run over, letting Abi fall into my arms. She shakes with fear, gripping my arm. Everyone else walks over, getting a good look at her. I let her stand up.

"We should bring her back to the farm," I say, grabbing her hand, hoisting her onto Moon.

Abi's POV

Riding back to their 'farm,' thinking Why did life have to come to this? Why can't I just be safe for once? Just a couple days ago, I was safe and happy. Now life is hell and in the devils hands. I'm not in a normal life anymore. Everything is changed, and that pissed me off.

I'm angry that everything and everyone I loved is gone. I'm angry that normal tried to rip me limb from limb. I'm angry at myself for being caught up in my life turning to hell.

I'm tired of being scared of my shadow. All of my sorrow is wasting my energy to live. My life is, looking over my shoulder. It's time to change that. Suck up my sorrow and tears and make my life stronger. Yeah, it's a scary life or death satiation but if I'm scared and looking over my should any time I get too, I {won't survive. I need to fight for my life.

Josh's POV

Walking in the middle of Kat and Moon, looking at Abi. I saw her tense up, and her back straiten. Has a lot on her mind, I guess. I focus my attention back to Julia. I notice Tanner on the back of her horse. Why does he get to be on the back of her horse? nudge Tanner and motion him to get off, getting the memo and jumping off the horse. I'm surprised he didn't fall, he landed perfectly. I position myself to get on the horse, I don't really have good skills with horses, but might as well hope for the best.

I jump up, putting all my weight to my hands, and hoisting myself up on Kat. I successfully made it on, Abi laughing softly next to me. Dominic notices and takes my place in the middle of the horses, gun at ready.

"Nice stunt, stupid," Julia says, making me jump.

"I'm pretty sure it was my turn," I say, matter-of-factly, "And even, I wanted a chance on Kat here."

"Whatever," and she turns back around, focused.

Oliver's POV

They've been gone for a while! Did they run into trouble? Get surrounded by a heard? Did someone get bitten or scratched?

And as if on cue, I hear the clicking hoofs of horses. I get up, helping Katie up too. I hear a thump of Luke getting off the roof. He's been silent the whole time. {Wonder what's wrong with him?

I see two horses come in, Moon and Kat, I think, with Julia and Josh on Kat. On Moon's back is Hayven and a unfamiliar face. Tanner and Dominic walk beside the horses.

"Who's this?" I ask, waving.

"This," Hayven says, pointing to the young girl, "Is Abi."

"Well, hi Abi! Nice too meet you! Are you staying with us?" I say, happily.

She just waves and shrugs. Probably been through a lot.

"Y'all hungry? I found some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." Josh says, taking out some nicely wrapped sandwiches.

We all nod and sit down to eat.

Hayven's POV

I haven't eaten sense school so, I'm pretty hungry. Then I remember the plastic cup. I motion Julia over to me.

Once over, I whisper, "You still remember "The Cup Song," right?"

Her eyes sparkled, "Of course I do!"

I pulled out the cup. I put in on the ground and started to do the direction in my head, clap, clap, tap, tap, tap, clap, move the cup, clap, pick up the cup, high five, put cup down (angle), right hand down, cup down.

I started to do the cup motions and started singing.

{I got my ticket for the long way round, two bottle whiskey for the way, and I sure would like some sweet company, and I'm leaving tomorrow. What'd say? When I'm gone. When I'm gone---. Your gonna miss me when I'm gone. Your gonna miss me by my hair your gonna miss me everywhere, oh, I know your gonna miss me when I'm gone.

I do throw the cup to Julia and mouth 'Go ahead.' Everyone's attention is on us.

Julia starts;

I got my ticket for the long way round, the one with the prettiest of views. It's got mountains, it's got rivers, it's got sights to give you shivers, but it sure would be prettier with you. When I'm gone. When I'm gone---. Your gonna miss me when I'm gone. Your gonna miss me by my walk, your gonna miss me by my talk, oh, I know your gonna miss me when I'm gone.

Everyone claps, but softly; not wanting to attract walkers. Kevin lands on my shoulder, not around much. Smart bird, staying out of trouble. I get up, letting Kevin fly onto a branch and I whisper to the cut, little bird, you don't need to stay, you look like you can keep out of trouble. Just come and visit us, I wink.

Kevin flys away, looking back a couple times. I made my way back to the hill. I'll see him again, and I smile.

"I remember that!" Abi says. First time I heard her talk sense the tree.

Luke's POV

Wow, Hayven can sing. So can Julia. Focus! I commanded myself. We need a plan...

"So, where do we go now? I mean this barn was over run, and now we have supplies." I ask, flipping my hair out of my face.

"I don't know. All I know is that I need more arrows." Julia says, Hayven nodding.

"Where's a place besides Bass Pro, that we can get arrows? My bow needs to be fixed too." Hayven says, rubbing her head.

Dominic speaks up, "What about where you did archery lessons at? Cleland's I think."

"Oh yeah! They have a lot of arrows and different kinds of bows!" Hayven says, "I still remember where it is! It's up the road!"

"Well, let's go get hrses and get on our way!" Tanner says, walking to the barn.

The doors open with a creek, getting all the horse's attention. We each go over and grab tack, putting them on each horse. Feed the rest of the apples to the hungry horses and set out.

Apocalypse Rising (A TWD Fanfic) *Editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora